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Analysis based on Bader's quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) can be done for free using a combination of GAMESS and AIMAll. However, GAMESS input files can take some effort to prepare, and AIMAll outputs plaintext files designed for easy reading by humans, not for downstream statistical analysis. In this repository I will be collecting utilities I've written to make my life easier during QTAIM analysis.

My workflow is as follows.

Create a GAMESS input file for a molecule, by downloading the structure from ChEMBL (which yields a graph representation), and generating atom coordinates with RDKit:

python3 ammonia example.inp > ammonia.inp

The first argument is the name of the molecule (used as a ChEMBL query), and the second argument is a previously made GAMESS input, from which the settings will be copied. If the first argument ends in ".mol", it will instead be interpreted as a path, and the molecule will be loaded from the specified file rather than downloaded.

Then, using my GAMESS installation, run GAMESS to get a wavefunction, stored in a ".dat" file:

gms ammonia.inp

Extract the AIMPAC format wavefunction from the GAMESS output:

python3 ammonia.dat > ammonia.wfn

Then, using my AIMAll installation, run AIMAll, generating a ".mgp" file containing critical point information, and a ".sum" file containing atomic properties:

aimqb -nogui ammonia.wfn

Extract critical point properties into a comma-separated values (CSV) file, with columns "critical_point", "property", and "value" (header included):

python3 ammonia.mgp > ammonia_critpoints.csv

Extract atomic properties:

python3 ammonia.sum ammonia

This last step generates three output files, for properties of single atoms, pairs of atoms, and triplets of atoms, respectively. The file names are constructed from a given prefix (the second argument), plus suffixes "_oneatom.csv", "_twoatom.csv", "_threeatom.csv", and "_3d.csv". The columns are a column containing the name of the table from the AIMAll ".sum" file, columns containing the atom names, a column containing the name of the property, and a column containing the value of the property. Except the "_3d" file, which instead of a second atom name, has a column "n", containing a number from 1 to 3 representing the order of the eigenvalue for a 3D tensor. No header is included. Currently, not all tables from the ".sum" file are captured, and some are captured improperly.

There's also a script to convert tables of critical points to tables readable with Cauldronoid. This is useful when using QTAIM input to infer bonds from DFT output. However, it currently does not include estimation of bond order, which more properly would use delocalization index. All bonds are of type "UNSPECIFIED". This may be replaced in the future with a script that uses the processing from the sum files. Input files must be named "{mol_id}_critpoints.csv". Running the script as

Rscript critpoints2cauldronoid.R indir

will read all files in "indir" and output tables "critpoint_mol_tbl.csv.gz", "critpoint_one_tbl.csv.gz", and "critpoint_two_tbl.csv.gz". These tables have a column "critical_point" which can be used to join information from the original critical point tables. Or, using the "atom_id" column in the one atom table and the "start_atom" and "end_atom" columns in the two atom table, information from the sum files can be joined.


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