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Releases: alex47exe/gse_fork


09 Dec 00:32
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25 Nov 00:13
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12 Nov 04:05
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  • add latest changes from Detanup01's gbe_fork up to this commit
  • add 'appid_finder' mode for 'ganerate_emu_config':
    • runs with only '-find' and '-rel_raw' parameters, automatically finds appid by searching game folder name on google
    • then it starts a simple external interface (written in AutoIt3) to check if it found the correct appid
    • if it hasn't found the correct appid you can browse left or right to see other possible matches, or write the game name under the game image, then press 'NO, RETRY' - you can do this as many times as you like...
    • once you found the correct appid, just press 'YES, CONTINUE' and generate_emu_config will start without asking you for appid
    • for now you can test 'appid_finder' by running 'appid_finder.bat' - it will later be properly integrated to be able to do it all in one go, though it's already possible if you copy the contents of 'appid_finder' folder to your game folder, then edit the two bat files with the correct generate_emu_config location


21 Oct 02:08
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  • add latest changes from Detanup01's gbe_fork up to this commit
  • generate_emu_config, fix -rel argument
    • for better customization, it is now split in two arguments:
      • -rel_out: generate complete game config in _OUTPUT/appid folder, relative to the bat, sh or app calling generate_emu_config app
      • -rel_raw: generate complete game config in the same folder that contains the bat, sh or app calling generate_emu_config app
  • generate_emu_config, slightly changed/improved cmd text output for beter consistency with the now working -rel_out and -rel_raw arguments
  • gse_generate_interfaces, fixed found interfaces not being written to CODEX & RUNE steam_emu.ini

2024/10/14 - generate_emu_config login fix

14 Oct 17:42
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  • add latest changes from Detanup01's gbe_fork up to this commit
  • fix generate_emu_config login, thanks to Sak32009
  • fix is_beta_branch being read from 'main::general' instead of 'app::general', thanks to wizark952
  • fix generate_emu_config and migrate_gse failing on Linux due to missing DEFAULT folders - do note though, that if you generate on Linux, the config will not contain the required, as for now the improved generated_emu_config plus the gse helper tools and folder structure are best used on Windows


07 Oct 15:14
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26 Sep 23:54
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25 Aug 14:42
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19 Aug 17:07
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2024/8/4 - generate_emu_config overhaul

04 Aug 12:36
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  • add latest changes from Detanup01's gbe_fork up to this commit

  • [alex47exe] major overhaul of generate_emu_config - custom configs, proper ini parsing, better logging and error handling, helper tools:

    • add -def1 ... -def5 arguments, which can be used to generate your preferred custom config
      if no -def argument is provided, -def1 will be used by default, to automatically copy from the following folders:

      • .\_DEFAULT\0 ............... essential emu files, like latest GSE dlls (steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll)
      • .\_DEFAULT\1 ............... other GSE files and folders, including default ini files
      • .\_DEFAULT\<appid> ... other GSE files and folders, but only for the current <appid>, if the folder exists
    • (Windows only) add some useful helper tools, written in AutoIt3:

      • gse_acw_helper.exe - add the required achievements schema db files for Achievement Watcher, if .\steam_misc\extra_acw\ file exists (if generated by generate_emu_config.exe -acw <appid>)
      • gse_debug_switch.exe - automatically switch between release and debug versions of the emulator, if steam_api.7z / steam_api64.7z file exists (or steamclient.7z / steamclient64.7z, if you use the steamclient version)
        paths to release and debug files inside 7z, can be customized in .\steam_misc\tools\au3\scripts\gse_debug_switch.ini
      • gse_generate_interfaces.exe - simple x64-x86 launcher for generate_interfaces.exe
        it also writes all found steam interfaces to CODEX steam_emu.ini (if generated by generate_emu_config -cdx <appid>)
        make sure to name your original dll to one of these formats, so it can automatically find its interfaces:
        • valve_api.dll / valve_api64.dll
        • steam_api.dll.bak / steam_api64.dll.bak or /
        • steam_api.bak / steam_api64.bak or /
        • steam_api_orig.dll / steam_api64_orig.dll or steam_api_legit.dll / steam_api64_legit.dll
      • gse_lobby_connect.exe - simple x64-x86 launcher for lobby_connect.exe
    • new folder structure, compatible with current and future helper tools --- default arguments are -acw -cdx -clr <appid>
      NEVER delete .\steam_misc\app_backup, .\steam_misc\app_info, .\steam_misc\tools and .\steam_settings folders
      MIGHT need .\steam_misc\extra_acw and .\steam_misc\extra_cdx for compatibility with Achievement Watcher and CODEX

    • add -scx argument to automatically download images / videos for trading cards, backgrounds, badges, emoticons and other tradable items
      unfortunately I couldn't find any direct steam api method to download the files, so I had to write a rudimentary web scrapper to extract the download links from a third-party website, hence the script might need updating in the future if the website design changes

    • download screenshots and videos:

      • download thumbnails for both screenshots and videos, and compress them to .zip files
      • screenshots and videos are now numbered from first to last published, as in the Steam store page
      • add -vids_low / -vids_max arguments to download all videos, in low and / or high quality
    • create / update .\top_owners_ids.txt when .\top_owners_ids.html is present

    • generate controller action sets txt files for all found controller vdf configs, and zip them inside .\steam_misc\app_backup\
      by default, the emu supports only xboxone and xbox360 controller configs, though if the're are any issues with the default supported controller action sets inside .\steam_settings\controller folder, you could try to unpack and overwrite action sets for other unsupported controller configs

    • (Windows only) add AdvancedRun launchers (cmd console + silent) for .bat files and .py scripts

  • [alex47exe] major overhaul of migrate_gse - uses the same .\_DEFAULT\0 and .\_DEFAULT\1 folder structure for default configs
    it can convert old .txt format to .ini format, minus branches.json, which would require using top_owners_ids.txt and some login code from generate_emu_config, which should actually be used to properly generate the config files, instead of converting from the old .txt format

  • [alex47exe] generate_interfaces.exe - find all Steam Interfaces instead of only old ones
    the emu will ignore the ones it doesn't require, while we'll have the complete list to write it to CODEX steam_emu.ini

  • [alex47exe] lobby_connect.exe - improve cmd console text alignment

  • [alex47exe] mods_img instead of mod_images (better folder consistency), better example for mods_img, minor tweaks to .ini and .md files