A plotting tool for high-energy physics using Root
This tool is designed to make it easy to generate high-energy physics plots by providing the user with a clean, flexible front-end aimed to manipulate physics concepts instead of ROOT-related technical mess.
| |
describe | Physics |
-----------------> | concepts |
+---------------+ | | --+
| | +--------------+ |
| Particle | | Sonic
| Physicist | | screwdriver
| | +--------------+ |
+---------------+ | | <-+
<----------------- | Plots and |
get | tables |
| | <--> ROOT
Name inspiration (warning : it doesn't work on wood)
- Describe the physics : variables, datasets & process classes, cuts, regions & channels, figures, ...
- List the type of plots you want to be produced : superimposed, stacked, data/MC comparisons, 2D, ...
- Use options where you want to change the standard behavior and personalize the outputs
- Run over your datasets, automatically feeding the histograms all at once
- Ask for your plots and tables to be produced
- Browse the outputs, do actual physics
After setting up ROOT, just do :
To get a quick idea of how the tool is working, you can check plotGenerationExample.cc
provided in the test
folder. To run it, type :
cd test && make test
Then manually browse the plots in test/plots/
or just do
make browse
It will open a TBrowser
with the root files already loaded.
Pieces of documentation are provided in the HOW-TO file.
Important :
- Documentation
- More global options to change font, line width, ... maybe add a config file to read stuff from.
- Use C++ maps to better handle the various vectors of variables/processes/regions/histos/plots
- Have an extra optional argument for datasets to be splitted in different process classes
- Rethink the way lumi is managed, more generally define weighting via a function pointer
Little improvements :
- For custom binning, option to redivide the content of the bins to simulate a fixed bin width (to keep having an interpretation in term of pdf).
- Modify the way operations between figures are made (should use actual stat formulas instead of root intermediate histos)
- Maybe possibility to link variable to vectors (of float, ints..). ...And maybe to TLorentzVector ? Not a big fan of this though.
Big stuff :
- Possibility to separate the reading from the actual plotting, ie export raw histograms and be able to import them.
- Web-based interface to generate the code ?
Eric suggestions :
- Add Chi2 or Kolmogorov test for data/MC comparison + display value on the plot
- Add 2D plot showing the evolution of correlation between two variables after lower/upper cuts
- Add data and SM yield on data/MC plot