MakeMeSocial is a small Wordpress plugin I made to be able to add your favourite Social Networks to your website.
It's prepared as a widget, so it's quite easy to use. From the "Widgets" panel you can choose among different options.
That's not what you were looking for? I'm sorry, it's the first version, and it's more an excuse to try some stuff in Wordpress than a plugin you should be using.
Feel free to use it wherever you want.
Together with the plugin, there's a file called docker-compose.yml It allows you to use docker right away with a Wordpress installation just in case you want to test it without install Wordpress
There's a small bug when editing the social networks at the administration. When deleting a social network, the "Save" button won't be available unless any input is changed. I'm working on that. The workaround is deleting a letter in the title and writing it again.