This GitHub Action checks if your code passes the 42School's norminette linter, after each push.
See a demo on alexandregv/norminette-action-demo.
/!\ This Action supports all norminette versions. You should specify the exact version, for example v3.3.51
. Check your campus rules to find the version you should use.
always refers to the latest v3.x.y.
For v2 use norminette-action@v2
Description: Flags passed to norminette.
Format: [options] <path>
Default: .
(all files)
# .github/workflows/main.yml
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: norminette
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: alexandregv/norminette-action@v3
flags: '.'
You can add a badge () to show current norminette status by adding this markdown code to your

More infos on GitHub Docs.
- norminette-action-demo - Demo repository for this action.
- norminette-docker - Docker image for norminette (used by this action).
- norminette-vim - Vim integration for norminette. Displays norm errors directly inside Vim.
All of these are compatible with Norm version 2 and 3.