Refactor as much as you want, add new features, fix bugs, etc. Since this was done as a demo and PoC for most of the time I didn't focus on the code quality and structure.
This is a shopify app that allows you to create a multivendor marketplace. It uses metaobjects to create a vendor object that is connected to a collection.
The idea is that by using this app we will be able to create a multivendor marketplace that is fully customizable and scalable easily with shopify.
This app uses shopify's remix app template as a base. Also, it uses shopify react vite as a base for the frontend, theme app extension.
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
- Open a new terminal and go to
cd extensions/account-page && pnpm i && pnpm vite:dev
- To deploy the extension changes,
pnpm vite:build
in the extension folder and thenshopify deploy in the root
- Important for theme app extension: change the proxy url in the shopify app settings to your updated cloudflare url
- Create new product - huge
- New product
- Use staged upload to upload images
- Product variants
- Add variants
- GraphQL Variants
- Edit product
- Google feed XML update products ? [future]
- Add product images
- Categories
- Product qty set
- Product options and variants from admin settings
- Dashboard - connection with real data
- Orders
- Graphql get Order data
- Shipping
- Sold products, statistics etc
- Orders
- Shipping - let vendor add shipping costs on their products
- User settings
- Disable vendor button (webhook)
- Locations to handle
- Setup a way to get payments
- Setup profile
- Profile Request
- Profile Image
- Theme app extension for profile
- Setup handle + SEO description for vendor - collection pages
- Bio, socials, titles etc & info
- Extension for product page - vendor info
- Extension for product page bottom - related products
- Extension for collection page
- Extension for account page/or related page
- Orders Page
- Add vendor to order
- Show payouts block and tags on admin order
- Setup Payouts page
- Connect orders with vendors and calculate payouts
- Automatic payouts stripe (later)
- Send email for new vendor setup + approved
- Email ResendAPi
- Email templates
- Settings - categories, variants, commission, shipping etc
- Mass update settings from state
- Variants setup
- Options for Variants setup modal
- Commission
- Approve Products manually
- Page to Approve products (?)
- Add settings for selecting auto approval
- Specific Vendor auto approve their products
- Approve vendors
- Add approval status
- collection template + app block with dynamic info ?
- Webhook -> after approve create auto collection for products with vendorID?
- Show vendor data and redirect to meta object
- New vendor - create collection
- Edit vendor - update collection
- Disable vendor - disable collection & products
- Admin disables product - notify vendor
- New order notify vendor
- Vendor creates new product - notify admin?
- New order, add vendor to order