This project is Zenoss extension (ZenPack) that makes it possible to monitor the performance of a PostgreSQL database server, the individual databases and the tables within those databases.
You must first have, or install, Zenoss 3.1.0 or later. Core and Enterprise versions are supported. You can download the free Core version of Zenoss from
Depending on what version of Zenoss you're running you will need a different package. Download the appropriate package for your Zenoss version from the list below.
- Zenoss 4.1 - 4.2: Packages for Python 2.7
- Zenoss 3.0 - 4.0: Packages for Python 2.6
Then copy it to your Zenoss server and run the following commands as the zenoss user.
zenpack --install <package.egg>
zenoss restart
If you wish to further develop and possibly contribute back to the PostgreSQL ZenPack you should clone the git repository, then install the ZenPack in developer mode using the following commands.
git clone git://
zenpack --link --install ZenPacks.zenoss.PostgreSQL
zenoss restart
Once the PostgreSQL ZenPack is installed you will have the following new zProperties which should be set either for device classes or individual devices.
- zPostgreSQLPort - Port where PostgreSQL is listening. Default: 5432
- zPostgreSQLUseSSL - Whether to use SSL or not. Default: False
- zPostgreSQLUsername - Must be a superuser. Default: postgres
- zPostgreSQLPassword - Password for user. No default.
In addition to setting these properties you must add the zenoss.PostgreSQL modeler plugin to a device class or individual device. This modeler plugin will discover all databases and tables using the connectivity information provided through the above settings. Each database and table will automatically be monitored.
The following elements are discovered:
- Databases
- Tables
The following performance metrics are collected.
- Server
- Summaries of all databases and tables.
- Databases
- Latencies
- Connection
- Connections
- Total
- Active
- Idle
- Durations
- Active Transactions (min/avg/max)
- Idle Transactions (min/avg/max)
- Queries (min/avg/max)
- Size
- Backends
- Efficiencies
- Transaction Rollback Percentage
- Tuple Fetch Percentage
- Transaction Rates
- Commits/sec
- Rollbacks/sec
- Tuple Rates
- Returned/sec
- Fetched/sec
- Inserted/sec
- Updated/sec
- Deleted/sec
- Locks
- Total
- Granted
- Waiting
- Exclusive
- AccessExclusive
- Summaries of all tables.
- Tables
- Scan Rates
- Sequential/sec
- Indexed/sec
- Tuple Rates
- Sequentially Read/sec
- Index Fetched/sec
- Inserted/sec
- Updated/sec
- Hot Updated/sec
- Deleted/sec
- Tuples
- Live
- Dead
Zenoss will run the following queries every five (5) minutes. These queries are intended to be lightweight so as to not adversely affect the server's performance.
# Database statistics - Run once.
SELECT d.datname,
pg_database_size(s.datid) AS size,
xact_commit, xact_rollback,
blks_read, blks_hit,
tup_returned, tup_fetched, tup_inserted,
tup_updated, tup_deleted
FROM pg_database AS d
JOIN pg_stat_database AS s ON s.datname = d.datname
WHERE NOT datistemplate AND datallowconn
# Connection statistics - Run once.
SELECT datname, xact_start, query_start, backend_start,
now() AS now
FROM pg_stat_activity
# Lock statistics - Run once.
SELECT d.datname, l.mode, l.granted
FROM pg_database AS d
LEFT JOIN pg_locks AS l ON l.database = d.oid
WHERE NOT d.datistemplate AND d.datallowconn
# Table statistics - Run once per database.
SELECT relname,
seq_scan, seq_tup_read,
idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch,
n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del,
n_tup_hot_upd, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup,
last_vacuum, last_autovacuum,
last_analyze, last_autoanalyze
FROM pg_stat_user_tables
The following queries will be run whenever the PostgreSQL server device is remodeled. This occur once every 12 hours.
# Database list - Run once.
SELECT d.datname, s.datid, pg_database_size(s.datid) AS size
FROM pg_database AS d
JOIN pg_stat_database AS s ON s.datname = d.datname
WHERE NOT datistemplate AND datallowconn
# Table list - Run once per database.
SELECT relname, relid, schemaname,
pg_relation_size(relid) AS size,
pg_total_relation_size(relid) AS total_size
FROM pg_stat_user_tables