A PowerShell library to interact with the ZeroTier Network Controller API
I was surprised nobody else had already tackled this, this is a great way to get started talking to REST APIs. This is basically my first real PowerShell module, let me know if I can do anything better.
Linux / macOS supportThanks OvrAp3xGitHub Actions Workflow to publish automaticallyThanks OvrAp3x- Get/Set/Add/Remove -ZeroTierUser
- New-ZTNetwork (The API seems broken on this front...)
- Help documentation...
Get an API Token from ZeroTier
Install the Module:
Install-Module -Name ZeroTierController
Import the Module:
Import-Module -Name ZeroTierController
Set the API token using the following command.
Set-ZTToken -Token "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
Enable-ZTMember #(Shortcut for Set-ZTMember -Authorized $True)
Disable-ZTMember #(Shortcut for Set-ZTMember -Authorized $False)
I did my best to make these cmdlets work like the builtin Windows cmdlets. They show what I consider to be the most relevant 4 properties by default. You can pipe whatever you want between them and everything should "just work".
You'll notice on both the Network and Member objects, there's a Config nested object that holds more detailed fields about the object. I've included parameters to Set-ZTMember and Set-ZTNetwork to make setting those easier. Otherwise you'd need to use -Config @{Authorized=$False}
to deauth instead of -Authorized $False
, so both are valid and the latter takes precedence.
# Provide no -Id to list all networks
PS > Get-ZTNetwork
Id Description OnlineMemberCount AuthorizedMemberCount
-- ----------- ----------------- ---------------------
ffffffffffffffff Private Network 83 274
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Test123 1 2
# You can pipe the Id from Get-ZTNetwork into Get-ZTMember
# Provide no -NodeID to get all members
PS > Get-ZTNetwork -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Get-ZTMember
NodeId Description Name Online
------ ----------- ---- ------
aaaaaaaaaa test123 DeliferA False
bbbbbbbbbb Test True
cccccccccc Cloud False
# Equivalent inputs to check a Node's object
PS > Get-ZTNetwork -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Get-ZTMember -Node aaaaaaaaaa | Select-Object *
PS > Get-ZTMember -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -Node aaaaaaaaaa | Select-Object *
Id : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaa
Type : Member
Clock : 1608598939426
NetworkId : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
NodeId : aaaaaaaaaa
ControllerId : aaaaaaaaaa
Hidden : False
Name : DeliferA
Online : False
Description : test123
# Config is a nested object, there a special parameters to set these,
# you may also set them directly by $obj.Config.Authorized.
Config : @{ActiveBridge=False; Address=aaaaaaaaaa; Authorized=True; Capabilities=; CreationTime=1608598939426; Id=aaaaaaaaaa;
Identity=aaaaaaaaaa:0:aaaaaaaaaa; IpAssignments=System.Object[];
LastAuthorizedTime=1608598939426; LastDeauthorizedTime=1608598939426; NoAutoAssignIps=False; Nwid=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; Objtype=member; RemoteTraceLevel=0; RemoteTraceTarget=; Revision=13; Tags=;
VMajor=1; VMinor=4; VRev=6; VProto=10}
LastOnline : 1608598939426
PhysicalAddress :
PhysicalLocation :
ClientVersion : 1.4.6
ProtocolVersion : 10
SupportsRulesEngine : True
# Equivalent inputs to set a node's description and unauthorize
PS > $member = Get-ZTNetwork -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Get-ZTMember -Node aaaaaaaaaa
PS > $member | Set-ZTMember -Authorized $False -Description "test555"
PS > Set-ZTMember -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -Node aaaaaaaaaa -Authorized $False -Description "test555"
Id : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaa
Type : Member
Clock : 1608598939426
NetworkId : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
NodeId : aaaaaaaaaa
ControllerId : aaaaaaaaaa
Hidden : False
Name : DeliferA
Online : False
Description : test555
Config : @{ActiveBridge=False; Address=aaaaaaaaaa; Authorized=False; Capabilities=; CreationTime=1608598939426; Id=aaaaaaaaaa;
Identity=aaaaaaaaaa:0:aaaaaaaaaa; IpAssignments=System.Object[];
LastAuthorizedTime=1608598939426; LastDeauthorizedTime=1608598939426; NoAutoAssignIps=False; Nwid=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; Objtype=member; RemoteTraceLevel=0; RemoteTraceTarget=; Revision=13; Tags=;
VMajor=1; VMinor=4; VRev=6; VProto=10}
LastOnline : 1608598939426
PhysicalAddress :
PhysicalLocation :
ClientVersion : 1.4.6
ProtocolVersion : 10
SupportsRulesEngine : True
Grab your authtoken from the controllers authtoken.secret
PS > $zturl="http://yourcontrollerurl/api"