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A PowerShell library to interact with the ZeroTier Network Controller API


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A PowerShell library to interact with the ZeroTier Network Controller API

I was surprised nobody else had already tackled this, this is a great way to get started talking to REST APIs. This is basically my first real PowerShell module, let me know if I can do anything better.


  • Linux / macOS support Thanks OvrAp3x
  • GitHub Actions Workflow to publish automatically Thanks OvrAp3x
  • Get/Set/Add/Remove -ZeroTierUser
  • New-ZTNetwork (The API seems broken on this front...)
  • Help documentation...

Getting Started

  1. Get an API Token from ZeroTier

  2. Install the Module:

    Install-Module -Name ZeroTierController 
  3. Import the Module:

    Import-Module -Name ZeroTierController
  4. Set the API token using the following command.

    Set-ZTToken -Token "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"


  • Set-ZTToken
  • Get-ZTStatus
  • Get-ZTNetwork
  • Set-ZTNetwork
  • Get-ZTMember
  • Set-ZTMember
  • Enable-ZTMember #(Shortcut for Set-ZTMember -Authorized $True)
  • Disable-ZTMember #(Shortcut for Set-ZTMember -Authorized $False)
  • Add-ZTMember
  • Remove-ZTMember


I did my best to make these cmdlets work like the builtin Windows cmdlets. They show what I consider to be the most relevant 4 properties by default. You can pipe whatever you want between them and everything should "just work".

You'll notice on both the Network and Member objects, there's a Config nested object that holds more detailed fields about the object. I've included parameters to Set-ZTMember and Set-ZTNetwork to make setting those easier. Otherwise you'd need to use -Config @{Authorized=$False} to deauth instead of -Authorized $False, so both are valid and the latter takes precedence.

Get All Networks

# Provide no -Id to list all networks
PS > Get-ZTNetwork

Id               Description                         OnlineMemberCount AuthorizedMemberCount
--               -----------                         ----------------- ---------------------
ffffffffffffffff Private Network                                    83                   274
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Test123                                             1                     2

Get All Members From a Network

# You can pipe the Id from Get-ZTNetwork into Get-ZTMember
# Provide no -NodeID to get all members
PS > Get-ZTNetwork -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Get-ZTMember

NodeId     Description Name       Online
------     ----------- ----       ------
aaaaaaaaaa test123     DeliferA    False
bbbbbbbbbb             Test         True
cccccccccc             Cloud       False

Show a Single Member's Properties

# Equivalent inputs to check a Node's object
PS > Get-ZTNetwork -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Get-ZTMember -Node aaaaaaaaaa | Select-Object *

PS > Get-ZTMember -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -Node aaaaaaaaaa | Select-Object *

Id                  : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaa
Type                : Member
Clock               : 1608598939426
NetworkId           : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
NodeId              : aaaaaaaaaa
ControllerId        : aaaaaaaaaa
Hidden              : False
Name                : DeliferA
Online              : False
Description         : test123
# Config is a nested object, there a special parameters to set these,
# you may also set them directly by $obj.Config.Authorized.
Config              : @{ActiveBridge=False; Address=aaaaaaaaaa; Authorized=True; Capabilities=; CreationTime=1608598939426; Id=aaaaaaaaaa;
                      Identity=aaaaaaaaaa:0:aaaaaaaaaa; IpAssignments=System.Object[];
                      LastAuthorizedTime=1608598939426; LastDeauthorizedTime=1608598939426; NoAutoAssignIps=False; Nwid=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; Objtype=member; RemoteTraceLevel=0; RemoteTraceTarget=; Revision=13; Tags=;    
                      VMajor=1; VMinor=4; VRev=6; VProto=10}
LastOnline          : 1608598939426
PhysicalAddress     :
PhysicalLocation    :
ClientVersion       : 1.4.6
ProtocolVersion     : 10
SupportsRulesEngine : True

Set a Node Property

# Equivalent inputs to set a node's description and unauthorize
PS > $member = Get-ZTNetwork -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Get-ZTMember -Node aaaaaaaaaa
PS > $member | Set-ZTMember -Authorized $False -Description "test555"

PS > Set-ZTMember -Id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -Node aaaaaaaaaa -Authorized $False -Description "test555"

Id                  : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaa
Type                : Member
Clock               : 1608598939426
NetworkId           : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
NodeId              : aaaaaaaaaa
ControllerId        : aaaaaaaaaa
Hidden              : False
Name                : DeliferA
Online              : False
Description         : test555
Config              : @{ActiveBridge=False; Address=aaaaaaaaaa; Authorized=False; Capabilities=; CreationTime=1608598939426; Id=aaaaaaaaaa;
                      Identity=aaaaaaaaaa:0:aaaaaaaaaa; IpAssignments=System.Object[];
                      LastAuthorizedTime=1608598939426; LastDeauthorizedTime=1608598939426; NoAutoAssignIps=False; Nwid=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; Objtype=member; RemoteTraceLevel=0; RemoteTraceTarget=; Revision=13; Tags=;    
                      VMajor=1; VMinor=4; VRev=6; VProto=10}
LastOnline          : 1608598939426
PhysicalAddress     :
PhysicalLocation    :
ClientVersion       : 1.4.6
ProtocolVersion     : 10
SupportsRulesEngine : True

Using custom controller (self hosted)

Grab your authtoken from the controllers authtoken.secret

PS > $zturl="http://yourcontrollerurl/api"


ZeroTier API Help


A PowerShell library to interact with the ZeroTier Network Controller API







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