Lightweight RTSP client library for Android with almost zero lag video decoding (achieved 20 msec video decoding latency on some RTSP streams). Designed for lag criticial applications (e.g. video surveillance from drones, car rear view cameras, etc.).
Unlike AndroidX Media ExoPlayer which also supports RTSP, this library does not make any video buffering. Video frames are shown immidiately when they arrive.
- Supports majority of RTSP IP cameras.
- Video H.264/H.265.
- Audio AAC LC only.
- Support for application specific data sent via RTP, e.g. GPS data (
, see RFC 4566 sec.5.14) - Basic/Digest authentication.
- Uses Android's Low-Latency MediaCodec by default if available.
- Ability to select hardware or software video decoder.
- Ability to rewrite SPS frame with low-latency parameters (EXPERIMENTAL).
- Video rotation (90, 180, 270 degrees).
- Android min API 24.
- PCM and G.711 aLaw/uLaw audio streams.
- 2-w talk.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
To use this library in your project add this to your build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.alexeyvasilyev:rtsp-client-android:x.x.x'
Easiest way is just to use RtspSurfaceView
(recommended) or RtspImageView
classes for showing video stream in UI.
Use RtspSurfaceView if you need best performance and less battery usage. To get bitmap from SurfaceView use PixelCopy.request (on Pixel 8 Pro with 1440p @ 20 fps video stream, you can get 12 fps only via PixelCopy)
Use RtspImageView if you need better performance than PixelCopy for getting bitmaps for further processing (e.g. for AI).
android:id="@+id/svVideo" />
android:id="@+id/ivVideo" />
Then in code use:
val uri = Uri.parse("rtsps://")
val username = "admin"
val password = "secret"
svVideo.init(uri, username, password)
requestVideo = true,
requestAudio = true,
requestApplication = false)
// ...
You can still use library without any decoding (just for obtaining raw frames from RTSP source), e.g. for writing video stream into MP4 via muxer.
val rtspClientListener = object: RtspClient.RtspClientListener {
override fun onRtspConnecting() {}
override fun onRtspConnected(sdpInfo: SdpInfo) {}
override fun onRtspVideoNalUnitReceived(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int, timestamp: Long) {
// Send raw H264/H265 NAL unit to decoder
override fun onRtspAudioSampleReceived(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int, timestamp: Long) {
// Send raw audio to decoder
override fun onRtspApplicationDataReceived(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int, timestamp: Long) {
// Send raw application data to app specific parser
override fun onRtspDisconnected() {}
override fun onRtspFailedUnauthorized() {
Log.e(TAG, "RTSP failed unauthorized");
override fun onRtspFailed(message: String?) {
Log.e(TAG, "RTSP failed with message '$message'")
val uri = Uri.parse("rtsps://")
val username = "admin"
val password = "secret"
val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false)
val sslSocket = NetUtils.createSslSocketAndConnect(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), 5000)
val rtspClient = RtspClient.Builder(sslSocket, uri.toString(), stopped, rtspClientListener)
.withUserAgent("RTSP client")
.withCredentials(username, password)
// Blocking call until stopped variable is true or connection failed
There are two types of latencies:
If you want the lowest possible network latency, be sure that both Android device and RTSP camera are connected to the same network by the Ethernet cable (not WiFi).
Another option to try is to decrease stream bitrate on RTSP camera. Less frame size leads to less time needed for frame transfer.
Video decoder latency can vary significantly on different Android devices and on different RTSP camera streams.
For the same profile/level and resolution (but different cameras) the latency in best cases can can be 20 msec, in worst cases 1200 msec.
To decrease latency be sure you use the lowest possible H.264 video stream profile and level (enable debug
in the library and check SPS frame params profile_idc
and level_idc
in the log). Baseline profile
should have the lowest possible decoder latency.
Check max_num_reorder_frames
param as well. For best latency it's value should be 0
You can also try to use experimentalUpdateSpsFrameWithLowLatencyParams library feature which rewrites config frame on runtime with low-latency parameters.