This program is super-complicated, legacy of many different papers using tracking. I don't recommend you use it without my guidance. My other repositories, such as attentional-blink, are more user-friendly.
In the long term, want to set up exchange of objects among rings. Necessary to conduct an identity-tracking experiment. Can also push harder on speed limit that way.
- In the dataPreprocess folder, its Rproj loadAnonymiseSaveData.R is used to match up Psychopy datafiles with EDF files, and possibly combine multiple sessions together.
- the analysis directory with its Rproj is used to analyze the data.
New way: Use eyelinkReader R package, see notes
Old way: For Fixation Report analysis from EDF files (instructions about making the fixation report here), see this code
Drift correction: will need to be done at the analysis stage because we are not able to re-calibrate the eyetracker due to it not being able to draw to the same graphicsEnvironment even though it's supposed to be able to. So we'd have to close Psychopy grahpics environment and open an eyetracker one for each calibration.
On Alex's Mac, it never connects to the eye tracker, like an ethernet problem. Eyelink provides some advice on how to configure the IP address to remedy that, which we reprint here, which I haven't tried.
While Eyelink's example program, in their EyeLink Developers Kit, works on some machines for Eyelink and Psychopy sharing a graphics environment (so both Eyelink can draw its calibration targets and Psychopy can draw things), we never got that to work with, even though it was working years ago - since then, Eyelink has updated their Developers Kit.
So, we instead have the Eyelink quit drawing (pylink. ) after initial calibration, even though it does work on Windows, you just have to tab between windows.
On Joshua's Win laptop, we had some sounds crashing errors.
* the sounds crash if I use the old genv way of allowing the Eyelink to draw the calibration targets, but not if I use the pylink.openGraphics()
* Seemed to be fixed after Josh changed the sound encoding of all sound files to be at the same sampling rate.
On Joshua's Win laptop, if oldSchoolWayOfEyelinkDrawingToScreen=False, then Eyelink successfully starts drawing the calibration targets in a separate graphics window you need to tab betwen.
- Old versus young
In old repository, separate from this new Clean repo
Centered vs. peripheral, including data
Square traj, modulations, including data