#Instruction First compile kt_axis2c-unofficial then compile sandesha
#Additional note Require Rampart/c
#Compile MAC OSX ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/axis2c --with=/usr/local/axis2c/include/axis2-1.6.0
#Compile Ubuntu 14.04LTS
./configure --with-axis2=/usr/local/axis2c/include/axis2-1.6.0 --prefix=/usr/local/axis2c
make && make install
#Configuration module
<module name="sandesha2" class="sandesha2">
This module implements WS-ReliableMessaging for Axis2C. This implements both the WSRM submitted spec and the new spec being developed under the OASIS WSRX group.
<handler name="SandeshaGlobalInHandler" class="sandesha2">
<!-- Global In handler should come before instance dispatching -->
<order phase="PreDispatch" />
<handler name="SandeshaInHandler" class="sandesha2">
<order phase="RMPhase"/>
<handler name="SandeshaOutHandler" class="sandesha2">
<order phase="RMPhase"/>
<handler name="SandeshaGlobalInHandler" class="sandesha2">
<!-- Global In handler should come before instance dispatching -->
<order phase="PreDispatch" />
<handler name="SandeshaInHandler" class="sandesha2">
<order phase="RMPhase"/>
<handler name="SandeshaOutHandler" class="sandesha2">
<order phase="RMPhase"/>
<operation name="RMInOnlyOperation" mep="">
<!-- namespaces for the 2005-02 spec -->
<!-- namespaces for the 2007-02 spec -->
<operation name="RMInOutOperation" mep="">
<!-- namespaces for the 2005-02 spec -->
<!-- namespaces for the 2007-02 spec -->
<!-- Database name parameter -->
<parameter name="sandesha2_db" locked="false">/tmp/sandesha2_db</parameter>
<!-- General parameters -->