Update: Further updates will be managed by chemoi at https://gitlab.com/alexlai97/dotfiles
Just copy whatever you need.
I use stow to manage my dotfiles. However, there are a lot of good dotfile manager alternatives.
Say I am on a new machine, and I want to grab my configurations for x related, vifm, vim, nvim, tmux.
I would run the following script. stow creates symlinks.
# install.sh
stow -v -d . -t ~/ x
stow -v -d . -t ~/ vifm
stow -v -d . -t ~/ vim
stow -v -d . -t ~/ nvim
stow -v -d . -t ~/ tmux
- vifm
- tmux
- vim
- nvim
- doom-emacs
- awesomewm
- xmonad
- (neo)mutt (config modified after generating from mutt-wizard)
- scripts
xmonad+doom-emacs awesome+neofetch+coronascript awesome+tmux+nvim+vifm awesome+sxiv+neomutt+newsboat