I'm Alex, a software engineer working on backend with Go, previously Java, while also learning Rust. I'm an open-source enthusiast and the author of httpmock, health and PumpStation. Curious what I've been working on recently?
- alexliesenfeld/httpmock - HTTP mocking library for Rust (2 months ago)
- alexliesenfeld/pumpstation - PumpStation Audio Plugin Website (4 months ago)
- alexliesenfeld/health - A simple and flexible health check library for Go. (4 months ago)
- alexliesenfeld/tls-detect-rs - A library to simplify multi-protocol network service simulation on a single port.
- alexliesenfeld/go-swagger-ui - Swagger UI for Go web applications
- alexliesenfeld/opencage - An API client implementation for the OpenCage API
- alexliesenfeld/async-object-pool (v0.1.5, 4 months ago) - A simple object pool implementation that uses asynchronous synchronization primitives only.
- alexliesenfeld/httpmock (v0.8.0-alpha.1, 4 months ago) - HTTP mocking library for Rust
- alexliesenfeld/go-swagger-ui (v0.0.1-beta.5, 7 months ago) - Swagger UI for Go web applications
If you use one of my projects, I'd love to hear from you! Don't be shy and let me know what you liked and what needs being improved. Got an issue? Open a ticket, I don't bite and will try my best to help!