This code is meant to notify you of new titles released today that you are currently following. It reads off of a txt file with your current reading list and sends emails when a title is released that is on your list. I have not incorporated a feature that allows it to run at a specific time every day. If you want to do this, just search it up on google lmao.
- Download repository.
- Change gmail.txt by adding your gmail, key, and recipients list. For recipients, make sure to list them in a separate line each. An example is provided in gmail_ex.txt.
- If you don't know your key, go to Make sure you have 2-factor authentication enabled. At the top search "app passwords" and add an app password.
- Add titles you want to keep track of in list.txt. Make sure to capitalize it like the website does, include punctuation, and don't add chapter numbers.
- Run main.exe in and hopefully it works.
- If you want to run it on a regular basis, go search up a guide online on how to run exe's periodically.