Prototype for enetring/viewing/sorting feature requests.
Currently, request data can be entered to database ('Enter Request'). For the same client, request priorities are updated based on the current eneterd priority.
'View Requests' has been added. It's currently in its simplest form: based on the client selection, it outputs all requests sorted by priorities. Description information is shown upon mouse hovering.
The web application utilizes the following stack:
- Server: Apache 2.4.7/Ubuntu OS
- DB: Mongodb v.4.4.9
- Layout/Interaction: HTML5/CSS/jQuery/Javascript
- Server side scripting: PHP 5.5.9/Mongodb drivers
Apache and MongoDB servers must be started.
To run the web-site on localhost, make sure symbolic link to the main project directory (containing index.html) is established in /var/www/html. e.g.
cd /var/www/html
sudo ln -s /path/to/projectdir linkname
Launch web site as localhost/linkname.
Alexey Savelyev, PhD
[email protected]