A small, USB-C connected power supply designed to fit onto the power rails of a solderless breadboard.
For each side, you can select between 3.3 & 5.0 Volt linear regulators, or the input voltage at the screw terminal.
The integrated version adds 26 breadboard rows and 2 continuous power rails. So you can turn those prototypes into something more permanent with an easy microUSB power connector.
If you would like to read more about how the design works and see some of the technical information, be sure to check out the documentation site that accompanies this project.
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This open source hardware project is developed using KiCAD and inkscape. It exists as a schematic and pcb design, with supporting files to create the necesarry output files for Printed Circuit Board fabrication.
If you would like to keep up to date with this project, be sure to check out the original creator's instagram
After incorporating the design changes from the first revision, the second revision came out great!
There are still a few details to try and adjust for any future fabrication.
- Silkscreen adjustments for better image fidelity
- Still have some mechanical rocking on the solderless version when inserted into a breadboard
Some of the major changes between on A02 from A01 are
- Smaller board shape
- Changed LEDs to 1206 for better part availability and easier hand soldering
- Larger silkscreen features
- Integrated version