. Library project, includes UI (like windows form), Works with MySQL database using JDBC driver.
. This app is a simple database fill-up checker and status logger. Displays connected databases status and fillment on the form-like window, and loggs everything to a file.
. University project on subject Theory of Algorithms, is a website with usage of MySQL database. Also, has a frontend part, made with my groupmate.
Telegram Bot
. Java application with usage of TelegramBotApi. It is deployed project, you can test the bot by finding it in Telegram by username@stekloKPI_bot
(if the hosting doesn't drop my database and dyno).
. Is my Java course final-test project. Contains whole Full-Stack part of the project. There are two versions, using Spark Framework and Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA. Hasn't made it's way to deployment :(