The toolbox consists of:
- A Python 3 utility library (Ricercando) for querying, analyzing, and visualizing MONROE data.
- An Orange add-on for accessing MONROE data, either from an Influx DB database or a locally stored Dataframe file, and for Significant Group analysis.
- Jupyter notebooks for rapid time-series and geographical analysis of MONROE data.
- Utility scripts for managing a local copy of MONROE data using Influx DB.
To use Ricercando toolbox within Orange data mining suite, install Orange 3.9+ first.
To use time-series and visualisation notebooks, install the following Python packages:
- pandas
- ipywidgets v6.0.1
- bokeh v0.12.14dev6 (available from conda)
- paramnb
- colorcet
- geoviews (available from conda)
Run the following command line in the Python 3 environment of choice:
pip install git+
As the project API is as of yet considered unstable, we recommend installing in development mode:
git clone
cd ricercando
pip install -e .
# Run tests to confirm the package is installed correctly
python test
Then issue git pull
within ricercando directory every now and
then. The alternative is to re-run above pip install git+...
whenever updating is desired.
For help on how to query data, see the relevant Jupyter notebook.
Instructions set up your own MONROE data copy in an Influx DB.
Visualisation Jupyter notebooks are in the notebooks directory.
For using Ricercando add-on in Orange, see examples in workflows directory.
Ricercando is a project of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.