This is a very lightweight test automation framework, thought to make writing Cucumber tests as painless as possible. It comes with a full sample test-suite built on SauceLabs Test Website. Seeing it in action with a somewhat functional website is better than a thousand words.
- Configuration
- Static configuration: the config-<dev|preprod|prod>.yaml files are binded to an instance of Configuration, which is essentially a javabean representing the current structure of the yaml files. It is convenient but it only works with that structure.
- Dynamic configuration: Watermelon also dynamically binds whatever yaml you pass in the parameters as "stage" into a MapConfiguration, which is little more than a subclass of LinkedHashMap. This way you don't need to worry about creating new beans, but you need to remember the keys.
- Pages: All you need to do is to extend WebPage, and implement a constructor with Webdriver and WebdriverWait as parameters, both injected (see below)**.
import com.watermelon.core.WebPage;
public class MyPage extends WebPage {
public MyPage(WebDriver driver, WebDriverWait wait) {
super(driver, wait);
- Dependencies: don't use "new" anymore! Declare your dependencies with @Inject, either as field or in your constructor: If the class has empty constructor it will be instantiated and passed to your class by Guice. In the example below, Guice will create "page" as instance of MyPage and inject it***.
private SomePage somePage; // This page will be instantiated as soon as it is used
- Steps (glue): extend BaseSteps. Beside that and what we said about injection, just write them as usual.
import com.watermelon.steps.BaseSteps;
public class MyPageSteps extends BaseSteps {
private MyPage page;
public MyPageSteps() {
page.doSomething(); // MyPage will be instantiated here
- Standard TestNG unit tests (no Gherkin) are also easily implemented (see WebTable test)
** This is necessary to make PageFactory.initElements() work in the parent class.
*** Note that MyPage doesn't strictly have a constructor "without parameters", however since both WebDriver and WebDriverWait are injected it will still work.
Watermelon is a testing framework based on Cucumber and Java, with TestNG as underlying test engine and Selenium 4 for the browser automation. The framework makes heavy use of Dependency Injection, using Guice.
- Cucumber
- TestNG
- Assertj
- Selenium 4
- Guice
- Webdrivermanager
- Bare compilation: mvn clean install -DskipTests
- Run Tests with Cluecumber reporting: mvn clean test cluecumber-report:reporting *parameters
Mandatory parameters -Dstage=config-dev.yaml|config-preprod.yaml|config-prod.yaml * -DtestSuite=test-suites/testng.yaml **
- configuration files by environment ** TestNG suite file to be run. Three suite files (and relative runners) are included in this project, for cross-browser testing purposes: one for Chrome, one for Firefox and one for Edge. One more meta-suite file (testng.yaml) is also included to runn all three together (see suiteThreads parameter for running them in parallel).
Optional parameters -DgithubToken=[github token] *** -DsuiteThreads=[# threads] ****
*** github token, mandatory for FireFox browser with WebDriverManager **** number of threads, used for multibrowsing (multiple runners in parallel). Not adviced when scenarios are already run in parallel
There are two main configuration objects:
- Configuration: bean mapped on config-[env].yaml. It contains mainly information about the website's URL being tested and screenshot level (when to take the screenshots:
- ALWAYS: take screenshots regardless of the outcome
- ONLY_FAILED: only take screenshot when the step/test is failed
- DriverManager: reads the browser requirements from the suite config files and instantiates the relative webdriver (this is thread-safe). This class implements the Provider interface and it provides such instances for use with dependency injection.
DriverManager works internally with WebDriverManager. downloading the webdriver implementation straight from the internet.
ConfigurationModule: provides a Configuration, a java.util.Locale and a ResourceBundle containing properties taken from
Note that this is designed to work with i18n (internationalization). Providing a different properties for each language (e.g.,, changing Locale the correct properties will be automatically picked. Without locale suffix the file will be intended as default.
DriverManagerModule: provides a webdriver, using the DriverManager provider, a JavascriptExecutor and a WebDriverWait.
GuiceModuleFactory: loads the aforementioned modules and creates the relative injector.
Important: this factory is declared as implementation of io.cucumber.core.backend.ObjectFactory in META-IF/services as for Java Service Loading specification. Note that because how Cucumber is implemented, also the relative entry cucumber.object-factory in had to be set for disambiguation.
####Web elements These are some convenience wrappers for Selenium Webelement.
- Checkbox: check/uncheck a checkbox element, depending on its state.
- RadioButtonGroup: convenience methods to read and select the value of a radiobutton group
- WebTable: utilities to select elements from an html table by rows and columns.
There are two ways run tests in parallel:
Suite level: useful for crossbrowsing, in this project the three runners (Edge, Chrome and Firefox) can be run in parallel by setting the parameter suiteThreads (see Usage paragraph above) to 3.
Scenario level: this can be achieved setting parallel = true in the relative runner.
Note that setting both parameters to multithreading can lead to unexpected results (multiple threads for multiple runners), therefore it is best to set suiteThreads = 1 if we want to run scenarios in parallel, and parallel= false if we want to have runners in multithreading.