This playbook deploys configuration changes to setup a Splunk cluster with independent components.
- Configure splunk nodes with common configuration
- Setup certificates on Splunk nodes
- Install a license on the License Master
- Configure a Deployment Server
- Install basic custom apps
- Configure a Cluster Master
- Add Search Heads to a cluster
- Add Peer Nodes to a cluster
- Configure universal forwarder (standalone)
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-ca
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-kernel
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-base
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-license-master
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-deployment-server
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-cluster-master
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-search-heads
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-peer-nodes
- Role Overview and Purpose splunk-universal-forwarder
Prior to using this playbook there are a few things that should be handled.
- Make sure you have completed all the steps to Setup Ansible on your control machine
- ansible > v2.5 needs to be installed on the control machine (you might need to upgrade)
- The servers you intend to deploy Splunk on need to be built and running
- Configure the inventory file like the hosts.example provided with this playbook
- Clone this repo to your local machine
- Read the Additional Role README info (all of them)
- Downloaded Splunk package files and placed them in the correct folders (use latest versions if new install)
- Splunk_TA_nix add-on
- roles/splunk-deployment-server/files/packages/splunk-add-on-for-unix-and-linux_xxx.tgz
- Grab any additional Splunk add-ons that may be in use and store them in the appropriate place
- roles/splunk-deployment-server/files/packages/
- Splunk_TA_nix add-on
- Setup specific configurations in the secrets folder
- Create the secrets file at group_vars/secrets/secrets.yml from the example secrets.example
- Create the Splunk license file at group_vars/secrets/Splunk.License.lic using your Splunk license information
- Update the custom_packages file at group_vars/custom_files/custom_packages.yml with additional add-ons/apps info
Run this in a test environment first do not run in production without testing
ansible-playbook /path/to/splunk-staging.yml -u username --become --ask-become-pass (--check)
If you have additional groups setup in your /etc/ansible/hosts file, you can specify different host groups by passing --extra-vars="servers=HOSTGROUP". Multiple vars are supported.
ansible-playbook /path/to/splunk-staging.yml --extra-vars="servers=HOSTGROUP" -u username --become --ask-become-pass (--check)
Extra vars:
uf_servers - Only for Universal Forwarder role
Apply individual roles as needed using tags to run specific portions of the playbook.
ansible-playbook /path/to/splunk-staging.yml --tags splunk-staging -u username --become --ask-become-pass (--check)
- Setup base config on Splunk servers
- common:
- Install required packages using apt and pip modules
- splunk-ca:
- Check if CA key and certificate exist
- Ensure existing certificate is still valid 2 weeks from now
- Deploy openssl configuration items
- Generate an OpenSSL CA private and public key
- Generate a Self Signed OpenSSL CA certificate.
- Generate an OpenSSL private key and CSR for client nodes
- Generate a Signed OpenSSL certificate for client nodes
- Generate an OpenSSL private key and CSR for wildcard cert
- Generate a Signed OpenSSL certificate for wildcard cert
- Copy keys and certs from CA to ansible machine for distribution
- Distribute keys and certs to hosts
- splunk-kernel:
- Setup disable-transparent-hugepages service
- Set swappiness to 10 in /etc/sysctl.conf
- Set ulimits for splunk user
- splunk-base:
- Install Splunk from .deb package
- Fix up perms after splunk user created
- Sets default acl for splunk on /var/log
- Distribute priv-key.pem, cert.pem, and ca-pubkey.pem to host
- Remove a cert bundle if it exists to allow creation of new
- Generate a cert bundle from artifacts or wildcard cert
- Generate an OpenSSL private key for SplunkWeb
- Generate an OpenSSL CSR for SplunkWeb
- Generate a Self Signed OpenSSL certificate for SplunkWeb
- Copy Splunk inputs.conf, web.conf, authentication.conf, and alert_actions.conf for system local
- Create default admin user seed file
- Accept Splunk license and set Splunk to start at boot using splunk user
- Check passwd file contains current admin hash value
- Reset Splunk admin password if changed
- Set sslPassword using splunk_cluster_sslPassword
- Add serverCert and sslRootCAPath to system/local server.conf
- Add nodes to license master
- TODO: Copy custom certs for Splunk Web
- TODO: Configure LDAP for Splunk (optional)
- common:
- Setup config on Splunk License Master
- splunk-license-master:
- Create Enterprise licenses dir
- Copy Splunk license file
- Check if license already added
- Install Splunk Enterprise license key
- splunk-license-master:
- Setup config on Splunk Deployment Server
- splunk-deployment-server:
- Enable Deployment Server
- Create serverclass.conf to local system
- Create initial org index apps directories
- Create org_all_indexes app for deployment
- Add custom mappings to indexes file for deployment
- Create org_indexer_volume_indexes app for deployment
- Create initial org_cluster_indexer_base apps directories
- Copy Splunk org_cluster_indexer_base app for deployment
- Create initial org_cluster_forwarder_outputs apps directories
- Copy Splunk org_cluster_forwarder_outputs app.conf for deployment
- Copy Splunk org_cluster_forwarder_outputs outputs.conf for deployment
- Copy Splunk org_cluster_forwarder_outputs server.conf for deployment
- Create initial org multisite apps directories
- Create org_site_X_base apps for deployment
- Create Splunkbase app directories
- Configure deployer for search head cluster (optional)
- TODO: Additional config for Deployment Server (more apps, serverclass settings etc)
- splunk-deployment-server:
- Setup config on Splunk Cluster Master
- splunk-cluster-master:
- Copy Splunk deploymentclient.conf for system
- Check if clustering is enabled
- Setup Cluster Master (Multisite or Singlesite)
- Create initial index apps directories
- Create Splunk CM server.conf for deployment
- splunk-cluster-master:
- Setup config on Splunk Search Heads
- splunk-search-heads:
- Check for custom roles file
- Include roles from custom_roles.yml
- Copy Splunk authorize.conf for system
- Check if clustering is enabled
- Add Search Heads to cluster (Multisite or Singlesite)
- Configure search head clustering (optional)
- TODO: Configure distributed search (optional)
- splunk-search-heads:
- Setup config on Splunk Peer Nodes
- splunk-peer-nodes:
- Check if clustering is enabled
- Add Peer Nodes to cluster (Multisite or Singlesite)
- splunk-peer-nodes:
ansible-playbook /path/to/splunk-staging-UF.yml -u username --become --ask-become-pass (--check)
Specify a different deploy_stage value by passing --extra-vars="deploy_stage_value=VALUE". depending on the environment the UF is being deployed to.
ansible-playbook /path/to/splunk-staging-UF.yml --extra-vars="deploy_stage_value=staging" -u username --become --ask-become-pass (--check)
- Setup Splunk Universal Forwarder
- common:
- Install required packages using apt and pip modules
- splunk-universal-forwarder:
- Install Splunk from .deb package
- Fix up perms after splunk user created
- Sets default acl for splunk on /var/log
- Ensure directory exists for local self-signed TLS certs.
- Remove a cert bundle if it exists to allow creation of new
- Distribute wildcard-priv-key.pem, wildcard-cert.pem to host
- Generate a cert bundle from wildcard artifacts
- Copy Splunk inputs.conf for system local
- Copy Splunk web.conf for system
- Use splunk hash-passwd to return a password hash
- Check for user seed file
- Check for passwd file
- Create default admin user seed file
- Accept Splunk license
- Setup Splunk to start at boot with splunk user
- Copy Splunk init for service
- Check passwd file contains current admin hash value
- Reset Splunk admin password if changed
- Set sslPassword using splunk_cluster_sslPassword
- Add serverCert to system/local server.conf
- Add sslRootCAPath to system/local server.conf
- Copy Splunk deploymentclient.conf for system
- common: