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Longda edited this page Apr 8, 2014 · 1 revision

#Release 0.9.2

New feature

  1. Support LocalCluster/LocalDrpc mode, support debugging topology under local mode
  2. Support CGroups, assigning CPU in hardware level.
  3. Support simple logview

Bug fix

  1. Change SpoutExecutor's RotatingMap to TimeCacheMap, when putting too much timeout tuple is easy to cause deadlock in spout acker thread
  2. Tunning gc parameter, improve performance and avoid full GC
  3. Improve Topology's own gc priority, make it higher than JStorm system setting.
  4. Tuning Nimbus HA, switch nimbus faster, when occur nimbus failure.
  5. Fix bugs found by FindBugs tool.
  6. Revert Trident interface to 0.8.1, due to 0.8.1's trident interface's performance is better.
  7. Setting nimbus.task.timeout.secs as 60 to avoid nimbus doing assignment when task is under full gc.
  8. Setting default rpc framework as netty
  9. Tunning nimbus shutdown flow
  10. Tunning worker shutdown flow
  11. Add task heartbeat log
  12. Optimize Drpc/LocalDrpc source code.
  13. Move classloader to client jar. 14 Fix classloader fail to load anonymous class
  14. Web Ui display slave nimbus
  15. Add thrift max read buffer size
  16. Setting CPU slot base double
  17. Move Zk utility to jstorm-client-extension.jar
  18. Fix localOrShuffle null pointer
  19. Redirecting worker's System.out/System.err to file is configurable.
  20. Add new RPC frameworker JeroMq
  21. Fix Zk watcher miss problem
  22. Update sl4j 1.5.6 to 1.7.5
  23. Shutdown worker when occur exception in Smart thread
  24. Skip downloading useless topology in Supervisor
  25. Redownload the topology when failed to deserialize topology in Supervisor.
  26. Fix topology codeDir as resourceDir
  27. Catch error when normalize topology
  28. Add log when found one task is dead
  29. Add maven repository, JStorm is able to build outside of Alibaba
  30. Fix localOrShuffle null pointer exception
  31. Add statics counting for internal tuples in one worker
  32. Add thrift.close after download topology binary in Supervisor
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