Alicino Moura
Last update: January 19th, 2025
It's a simple API in Python to return information about Brazilian Championship (aka Brasileirão) between 2003 and 2024.
Source: CBF - Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
The data is about the Champion and Runner-up in each Championship played annually and contains the fields:
- id (a sequential number)
- Champion Soccer Team (Campeao)
- Year (Ano) - 2003 to 2024
- Champion points - total (Pontos Campeao)
- Champion's victories - total (Vitoria Campeao)
- Champion draws - total (Empate Campeao)
- Champion defeats - total (Derrotas Campeao)
- Runner-Up Soccer Team (Vice)
- Runner-up points (Pontos Vice)
- Runner-up victories - total (Vitoria Vice)
- Total of matches played (Rodadas)
- Percentage of Victories (% Vitorias)
- Difference between the number of wins between the champion and the runner-up (Dif. Vit p/ Vice)
Search for the first name of the football team and without grammatical accent Ex: Vasco da Gama, type "Vasco" or "Gama". For "São Paulo", you can type only "Sao" (no accent), or just "Paulo".
GET method only
The port is 5867. Change according to your needs.
The code has several comments. I believe they are self-explanatory and helpful for beginners. So enjoy it.
To run this API locally, clone this repository. Then install all dependencies using pip:
- Flask
- json
- re (regex)
pip install Flask
Note: It is not necessary to install the json and re libraries. These are already found in Python in the most recent versions.