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Developer Onboarding

Stephen Yeargin edited this page Oct 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the All of Us Data Data & Research Center HealthPro application! This guide will help you get started with the application.

Before You Begin

There are a few housekeeping tasks that will need to be handled.

  • Initiate the setup process by having Jason/Ross reach out to Asmita.
  • Carefully read the instructions and attached material she will send you.
  • Return the appropriate documentation to the two (2) email addresses listed in the packet.
  • You will soon receive an invitation from Google and a follow-up email.
  • Change your password on your new Google Account per instructions.
  • Enable two-factor security on the account.
  • Reply saying that your account is secured.
  • Await confirmation that your account now has access to HealthPro.

In the meantime, you can begin working with new repositories once access is assigned.

HealthPro Application



  • Google Cloud and App Engine SDK
    1. Download Google Cloud SDK
    2. Run so that gcloud is available from path
    3. Run gcloud init
    4. Run gcloud components install app-engine-php to install App Engine PHP SDK
  • NodeJS (latest LTS should be fine)
  • MySQL (version 5.7 used by Google Cloud SQL)
  • Composer

1. Clone the repository to your computer.

cd /path/to/projects

git clone [email protected]:vanderbilt/pmi-drc-hpo.git

cd pmi-drc-hpo

2. Copy the configuration for local development:

cp dev_config/config.yml.dist dev_config/config.yml

Update the configuration file as needed, setting a <database>.

vim dev_config/config.yml

3. Install PHP dependencies via Composer:

composer install

4. Install Gulp dependencies via NPM:

npm install

5. Install asset dependencies via Bower:

./bin/bower install

6. Initialize assets and recompile on the fly as assets change:


7. Create a database on your MySQL server:

mysql -u<username> -p <database>


8. Load the contents of ./sql into the new database:

cat sql/dashboards/*.sql | mysql -u<username> -p <database>
cat sql/healthpro/*.sql | mysql -u<username> -p <database>

9. Run local App Engine dev server:

./bin/console pmi:deploy --local

Running the Application

Three applications are started. You should be able to login to each with your Google account.

URL Description
http://localhost:63022 API server
http://localhost:8080 Frontend application
http://localhost:8000 App Engine Admin application
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