Start by configuring the ForceUpdateController
singleton. Per default, it uses Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
for the App Store lookup of your already published app to get the newest available version from the App Store to set the isUpdateAvailable
The publicVersionURL
is used to configure where to get the latest version info of your app hosted by yourself to set the isForceUpdateAvailable
Use the configure
function before using the checkForUpdate
function! e.g. in your AppDelegate
func application(_: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
Task {
await ForceUpdateController.shared.configure(
publicVersionURL: .init(string: "https://your-url-where-to-find-public/version.json")!
To check for updates, call the checkForUpdate()
function, e.g. in your AppDelegate
func application(_: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// call `configure` before calling `checkForUpdate()`
Task {
await ForceUpdateController.shared.checkForUpdate()
To listen to updates, either use onForceUpdateNeededAsyncSequence
or onForceUpdateNeededPublisher
Both variables will return an optional URL
for the App Store page of your app to pass into the ForceUpdateWindow
for the App Store button.
These variables will be updated after calling checkForUpdate()
Task {
for await url in ForceUpdateController.shared.onForceUpdateNeededAsyncSequence {
self.presentForceUpdate(url: url)
To present the blocking Force Update Screen, just initialize a new ForceUpdateWindow
and call start()
on it.
func presentForceUpdate(url: URL?) {
guard forceUpdateWindow == nil else { return }
forceUpdateWindow = ForceUpdateWindow(
appStoreURL: url,
appearance: appearance
In SwiftUI, the blocking Force Update Screen can also be used directly as is with the ForceUpdateScreen
appStoreURL: url,
appearance: appearance
The appearance of the blocking Force Update Screen can be configured using the ForceUpdateAppearance
struct you have to pass to the ForceUpdateWindow
image: .init(systemName: "app.badge"),
imageForegroundColor: .green,
titleText: "New Update available",
messageText: "Update to the latest version to continue using the app",
toAppStoreButtonTitle: "Go to App Store",
toAppStoreButtonTintColor: .green
Note: Per default, the image is set to the system image app.badge
and the titleText
, messageText
and toAppStoreButtonTitle
are localized with default localizations for German and English.