Here're some examples for people who want to see Logstash / Elasticsearch in action
- Grabbing data from a log file for indexing into Elasticsearch
- "Parsing" a message to map to field names and types
- Seeing stuff on Kibana
What's in Here
- Scripts for generating data
- Logstash config files for grabbing/accepting the data and tossing it to Elasticsearch
- Kibana Dashboard Configs to show some queries and graphs
- File logging
- Log4j
Install all on the same box - everything's just looking at localhost:
- logstash 1.4.2 -
- elasticsearch 1.1.2
- kibana 3.1.0
- Read through this guy and become familiar:
- run elasticsearch with default settings
- run logstash with the respective config file in the example
- execute the respective log spewer or schedule it with something like Jenkins to see stuff over time.
- Run kibana - quick way:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
- load respective dashboard for the Demo