Team Vanilla Ice's android port of the classic "Space Trader game
Clone the repository and open it in Android Studio. Run it on either an emulator or a phone.
Java JDK 8.0+
Android Studio
Android emulator/Android phone
Ben's JUnit tests cover the initialization of the Ship class as well as if the the attributes to the Ship class have been set properly.
Allan's JUnit tests cover the initialization of the Market class and if the sell/buy functions work as they should.
Chandler's JUnit tests cover the implenetation of the Planet class and the distance calculation methods.
Shakeeb's JUnit tests cover the implentation of the Player class.
- Android Studio - The Android dev tools used
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Java - Programming Language used
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, view th available branches
- Allan Nguyen - Backend - View Github
- Ben Chuang - Backend - View Github
- Charles Kim - Product Management/Team Lead - View Github
- Chandler Watkins - Backend - View Github
- Shakeeb Shams - Frontend - View Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License
The Python command line program is available here