Specializations > System programming & Algorithm > Linux Programming
Alexandre Gautier
05-10-2021 to 05-18-2021
Introduction to the pthread
library and concepts like concurrency vs parallelism, mutual exclusion, and race conditions.
Global and static variables are allowed for these tasks.
- definitions of
, andtask_t
- car_blurred_full.ppm car_blurred.ppm car.ppm kernel_0.knl small_blurred.ppm small.ppm
- list.h list.c
Write a function that will serve as the entry point to a new thread.
- Prototype:
void *thread_entry(void *arg);
, where:arg
holds the address of a string that must be printed and followed by a new line.
- Make sure to respect the order in which strings are printed out:
Holberton School
Created thread ID -> nnn...
C is fun
File(s): 0-thread_entry.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 0-main.c 0-thread_entry.c -o 0-thread_entry -pthread
Write a function that uses the printf
family to print out a given formatted string.
- Prototype:
int tprintf(char const *format, ...);
- The output must be preceded by the calling thread ID:
[nnn...] Hello from thread
[nnn...] Hello from main thread
File(s): 1-tprintf.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 1-main.c 1-tprintf.c -o 1-tprintf -pthread
Write a method that blurs a portion of an image using a Gaussian Blur.
- Prototype:
void blur_portion(blur_portion_t const *portion);
, where:portion
points to a data structure described in the project requirements
File(s): 10-blur_portion.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 10-main.c 10-blur_portion.c -o 10-blur_portion
Write a method that blurs the entirety of an image using a Gaussian Blur.
- Prototype:
void blur_image(img_t *img_blur, img_t const *img, kernel_t const *kernel);
, where:img_blur
holds the address at which the blured image is stored,img
points to the source image,kernel
points to the convolution kernel to use
- You will have to use threads in order to blur the full image.
- Each thread should blur a portion of the image.
- You may use up to 16 threads. Keep in mind that too many threads can make your program inefficient.
- You are free to divide the source image in portions of your choice.
- The main goal of this task is to demonstrate that using threads make the process faster.
File(s): 11-blur_image.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 11-main.c 11-blur_image.c 10-blur_portion.c -o 11-blur_image -pthread
Write a function that uses the printf
family to print out a given formatted string.
This time, you will also have to use a mutex to avoid race conditions. As you know, a mutex needs to be initialized, and destroyed, but we don’t want to have to do that ourselves in our main.c
program. Please read about Constructors and Destructors with GCC and it should all make sense :).
- Prototype:
int tprintf(char const *format, ...);
- The output must be preceded by the calling thread ID
- Tip: You are allowed to use global variables
File(s): 20-tprintf.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 20-main.c 20-tprintf.c -o 20-tprintf -pthread
Write a function that factorizes a number into a list of prime factors.
- Prototype:
list_t *prime_factors(char const *s);
, wheres
is the string representation of the number to factorize.- This number will be positive and fit into an
unsigned long
- NOTE: This task does not require multithreading, and will not be linked to the
File(s): 21-prime_factors.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 21-main.c 21-prime_factors.c list.c -o 21-prime_factors
The goal of this task is to reproduce the previous task, and to improve it using a thread pool. The tread pool will have for purpose to execute a list of tasks.
For this task, you will have to write 3 functions (all in the same file):
Create task
- Prototype:
task_t *create_task(task_entry_t entry, void *param);
, whereentry
is a pointer to the entry function of the task,param
is the parameter that will later be passed to the entry function
- This function must return a pointer to the created task structure
- Prototype:
Destroy task
- Prototype:
void destroy_task(task_t *task);
, wheretask
is a pointer to the task to destroy
- Prototype:
Execute task list - Thread entry
- Prototype:
void *exec_tasks(list_t const *tasks);
, wheretasks
is a pointer to the list of tasks to be executed
- This function serves as a thread entry
- This function can safely return
as its return value will not be retrieved - This function must go through the list of tasks and execute them, but there’s a challenge:
- Multiple thread will be going through the list of tasks, and a task must only be executed once
- You must use
to print when a task is started, and completed
- Prototype:
File(s): 22-prime_factors.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -g3 22-main.c 22-prime_factors.c 21-prime_factors.c list.c 20-tprintf.c -o 22-prime_factors -pthread
- Samuel Pomeroy - allelomorph