Nav bar for subdomain applications that matches our navbar on
Main features in a brief descriptive text.
Gradle tasks:
script | comments |
build | create CommonJS, ES module, and UMD builds |
bundle | run Webpack to create a UMD bundle |
clean | remove generated artifacts |
format | run prettier on src directory |
generateTypes | generate type declarations |
lint | run eslint on src directory |
transpileCommonJs | run babel on src directory; transpile import/export statements for a CommonJS compatible build |
transpileES | run babel on src directory; do not transpile import/export statements for an ES module compatible build (used by bundlers for tree-shaking) |
test | run mocha ; searches for any files matching the pattern "src/**/*.test.js" |
typeCheck | run tsc in type-check only mode |
start | runs an example app from examples for testing. Runs at localhost:8080/public/ |
If you have more extensive technical documentation (whether generated or not), ensure they are published to the following address: For full package documentation please visit
Describe the most common operations, step by step, that a first time user would want to know, here.
See for information related to developing the code.