A Discord API Wrapper for Java
- Builders and managers to makes creating and managing discord objects easier.
- Multiple choices for receiving events.
- Easy to use command system via reflection.
- Post bot status to bot listing websites automatically.
- Built in support for Webhook and OAuth 2
- Get emojis by aliases use in Discord. No more external emoji dependencies.
- All Jars
- Gradle (In your
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.AlienIdeology:J-Cord:-SNAPSHOT'
- Maven (In your
Note: Using -SNAPSHOT
as the version will automatically be the latest commit from
branch master
. To use the latest commit of other branches, use BranchName-SNAPSHOT
You may also use a release tag
or commit hash
to specify the version you intend to use.
Ask questions in the Discord Support Server or open an issue.
- Build an Identity
Identity bot = new IdentityBuilder()
new EventManager().registerDispatchers(
new ExampleDispatcher())
- Ways to subscribe to events:
- Use
Objects registered as adaptors must extends DispatcherAdaptor.
DispatcherAdaptor example:
public class ExampleDispatcher extends DispatcherAdaptor {
public void onMessageCreate (MessageCreateEvent event) {
if (event.getMessage().getContent().startsWith("?") { // Prefix
// Do stuff
When building identity:
new EventManager().registerDispatchers(
new ExampleDispatcher())
- Use
annotation Register objects that have methods annotates as EventSubscriber.
EventSubscriber example:
public class ExampleSubscriber {
public void onMessageCreateEvent(MessageCreateEvent event) {
When building identity:
new EventManager().registerEventSubscriber(
new ExampleSubscriber()
- Wait for an Event
- Asynchronously (Perform the consumer action when a specified event is dispatched before the timeout)
// Get the Event Manager eventManager.<MessageCreateEvent>onNext( event -> event.getUser().isSelf(), // Only get message create events that are from the identity event -> System.out.println("I just said: " + event.getMessage().getContent(), // Perform actions 3000, // Timeouts in millisecond () -> System.out.println("Still no response after 30 seconds!") // Actions to perform if timeout exceeds );
- Synchronously (Blocking the thread until event dispatched or timeout exceeds)
// Get the Event Manager MessageCreateEvent event = eventManager.waitForNext( event -> event.getUser().isSelf(), // Only get message create events that are from the identity 3000, // Timeouts in millisecond () -> System.out.println("Still no response after 30 seconds!") // Actions to perform if timeout exceeds ); System.out.println("I just said: " + event.getMessage().getContent()
- Create classes that implements CommandResponder (Empty interface)
- Annotate methods as @Command
public class ExampleResponder implements CommandResponder {
@Command (aliases = {"ping", "pong", "thump"})
public String onPingCommand (String[] args, MessageCreateEvent event) {
return event.getUser().mention()+" pong!";
- Register CommandResponders in a CommandFramework
- Register the CommandFramework in EventManager
new EventManager().registerCommandFrameworks(
new CommandFramework()
new ExampleResponder()
- Setting Up the Agent
PostAgent agent = PostAgent.DISCORD_BOTS .setIdentity(identity) // Set the Identity object, which is used to post shard and guild count .setAPIToken(YOUR_TOKEN_HERE) // The token for Discord Bots API .post(); // Post the status
PostAgent agent = PostAgent.DISCORD_BOT_LIST .setIdentity(identity) .setAPIToken(YOUR_TOKEN_HERE) // The token for Discord Bot List API .post(); // Post the status
PostAgent agent = PostAgent.DISCORD_LIST .setIdentity(identity) .addPostField("token", YOUR_TOKEN_HERE) // The token for Discord List API .post(); // Post the status
- Custom website
PostAgent agent = new PostAgent(identity) .setAPIName("Discord Bla Bla Bla Bots Bla Bla Bla List") // Isn't the name typically like that? .setPostUrl("same_api_endpoint") // An API EndPoint URL .setJsonShardIDKey("shard_id") // The json field for shard ID (0 based) .setJsonShardKey("shard_count") // The json field for shard count .setJsonServerKey("server_count") // The server count .addPostField("some_json_key", "some_value") // Add whatever is required .post(); // Or you can use .post(Consumer<MultipartBody>) to add custom fields or headers, too
- Post Automatically
Every post agent will automatically post status onGuildCreateEvent
, andGuildDeleteEvent
You can cancel the auto post by calling:agent.setAutoPost(false); // To enable this again, invoke agent.setAutoPost(true);
- Using the
OAuthBuilder builder = new OAuthBuilder()
.setClientId(ID) // Application's ID
.setClientSecret(SECRET) // Application's secret
.setRedirectUrl(URL) // Used to redirect an user agent and provide authorization code for the oauth
.setScopes(Scope.BOT, Scope.IDENTIFY);
- Get the Authorization URL for the application
String authorizationUrl = builder.buildUrl();
- Build an
OAuth application = builder
.autoAuthorize(); // Automatically get the authorization code
- Get Emojis:
List<Emoji> emojis;
emojis = Emojis.EMOJIS; // A collection of all emojis in Discord
emojis = Emojis.getByCategory(EmojiCategory.PEOPLE); // Returns a list of emojis that belongs to the "people" category
- Get an Emoji by an attribute:
Emoji emoji;
emoji = Emojis.getByName("face with tears of joy");
emoji = Emojis.getByKeyword("laugh");
emoji = Emojis.getByAlias(":joy:");
emoji = Emojis.getByUnicode("\uD83D\uDE02");
// All the methods above returns the emoji "๐"
See this GitGub repository.
Please fork this project, and read Contributing.md. Use Issue Template.md for creating issues, and use Pull Request Template.md for creating pull requests.
- NV Websocket Client
- Unirest for Java
- JSON-java
- Apache Commons Lang 3
- Apache Commons IO
- JetBrains Annotations
- TypeTools