Competition Practice Player is an Android application intended for West Coast Swing dancers who are practicing and preparing for competitions.
In West Coast Swing competitions, you receive your partner and song draw when you step onto the competition floor. In competition, each song is played for either 1min 30sec or 2mins, so practicing to the remaining time in the song is generally undesirable.
For this reason, Competition Practice Player includes these features:
- Populates with the user's Spotify playlists
- Gives an option to end the song at 1:30 or 2:00
- Gives a notification beep 10 seconds before the song ends
- Gives a pause before playing the next song in the list
Competition Practice Player uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Retrofit 2.0 - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java
- OKHttp - Request/response API
- Dagger2 - Dependency injection
- Butter Knife - View binding
And of course Competition Practice Player itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
$ git clone [git-repo-url] Competition Practice Player
Open in Android studio
Want to contribute? Great!
Add your spotify api key to the file. You need the following key:
{ProjectDirectory}/ CLIENT_ID="{your key}"
- Write Tests
- Add an Artist list and Album List
- Add a search bar
- Add customizeable time and beep options
- Add alphabetization/organization option
- Only available for paid Spotify accounts (Spotify limitation)
- The Spotify OAuth token only lasts 1 hour, without a refresh token option for the Android SDK, meaning the user must login every hour (Spotify Limitation)
- Also see the "Issues" tab in GitHub
- Any information provided by a user, collected about a user, and collected about a user’s use of the app or device is not stored or kept for any purpose, and is only aquired to provide a personalized experience within the app (ie. displaying your name and e-mail address)