This is a minimal text editor with just the features I want, and no crap.
It lets me concentrate on writing with no distractions; It provides a full-screen window with lots of calming blank space; It doesn't try to deal with icky formatting, it just deals with raw text. The only features it bothers with are opening & saving files, updating the color scheme, resizing the font, tracking the word count, etc., and searching for text.
commands are as follows:
- ctrl-mouse wheel: increases/decreases the text size
- ctrl-up/down: increases/decreases the text size
- mouse click on statusBar: update statistics (word count, etc.) in statusBar
- rt. mouse button: brings up the context menu which offers the following options (some of which also have keyboard shortcuts)
- ctrl-N: new document
- ctrl-O: open document
- ctrl-S: save document
- save document as...
- ctrl-F: display find panel
- change the color scheme
- ctrl-U: update statistics (word count, etc.) in statusBar
- esc: minimizes the application
- ctrl-H: display this help page
- ctrl-Q: quit application
- ctrl-C: copy
- ctrl-X: cut
- ctrl-V: paste
snorf uses a property file, typically located at "$HOME/.snorfrc" with the following format:
If settings are changed while running snorf, this file is overwritten with the new settings.
snorf is provided with a wrapper shell script to make calling it easy. Usage is: snorf [-p <property file>] [<file to edit>]