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SCRAL - Smart City Resource Adaptation Layer##

The Smart City Resource Adaptation Layer (SCRAL) provides a REST - based uniform and transparent access to physical devices, capillary networks, systems and services for monitoring and actuation in a Smart City context.

Peculiar device functionalities are uniformed, abstracted and mapped to a well-known set of functions and primitives complying with (device) models handled in the semantic framework of the ALMANAC platform. Moreover, due to its nature of interface between the ALMANAC platform and the real world, the SCRAL offers primitives for applying access-control, data-validation and role-based policies on field-level data sources. While typical SCRAL instances are distributed near to physical devices, meaning that more than one SCRAL instance is usually adopted in a single ALMANAC P latform Instance (PI), at least one cloud instance is typically available in a PI to support connection of smart devices, i.e., of devices able to natively exchange data conforming to the ALMANAC data model. In such a case, the main SCRAL duty is to enforce access rights, perform data validation and support needed provisioning primitives.

Installation How-To

The SCRAL is delivered as a simple web application that can be run on any Servlet Container. Additionally a set of test scripts are provided to allow checking and diagnosing the component both in the post-installation and in the runtime operation phases.

Currently the SCRAL has been extensively tested in 2 Servlet containers:

Assuming that the reference environment for the SCRAL installation is a Ubuntu-based server (but only for the sake of demonstrating installation, any platform capable of hosting a Servlet Container shall be suitable), the full installation process is as follows:

Apache Tomcat set-up

Download and install Apache Tomcat using the distribution package manager:

sudo apt-get install tomcat7

SCRAL set-up

Download the latest SCRAL version from this git repository

git clone

Compile the scral with Maven

cd scral/
mvn install

Assuming that you downloaded the SCRAL war file in the \home\almanac folder, move the war file to the right place on the Servlet Container (i.e., Tomcat)

sudo mv ./scral.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/

At this point Tomcat should automatically deploy the war file into a published context named after the war file name, i.e., scral

Check if the SCRAL is running by looking at the Tomcat7 logs

less /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out

you should see logging lines generated by the SCRAL. To further check the actual working, open-up a browser and go to the http://localhost:8080/scral/devices address. You should see a variable (possibly empty) lis of device ids.

SCRAL configuration

To configure the SCRAL for interfacing devices and gateways, the provided SCRAL configuration file shall be edited according to the peculiarities of the current installation. The scral location file is located in the WEB-INF/classes folder of the corresponding web application.

cd /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/scral/WEB-INF/classes/applicationContext-pwal.xml

And the file is structured as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="PWAL" class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.PwalImpl">
<list value-type="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.api.devices.interfaces.DevicesManager">
<!-- <ref bean="serialManager" /> -->
<!-- <ref bean="xivelyManager"/> -->
<!-- <ref bean="m2mManager" /> -->
<ref bean="WasteBinSimulatorManager" />
<!-- <ref bean="WaterMeterSimulatorManager"/> -->
<!--<ref bean="UeiManager" />-->
<!--<ref bean="LorryManager" />-->
<!-- Fill the value with the scral FQDN -->
<property name="fqdn" value="scral.example.example" />

<!-- <bean id="serialManager" class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.serialmanager.SerialManager" -->
<!-- depends-on="mqttPusher"> -->
<!-- <constructor-arg> -->
<!-- <map> -->
<!-- <entry key="idFillLevelSensor"> -->
<!-- <bean class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.manager.serial.SerialDeviceDescriptor"> -->
<!-- <property name="clazz" value="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.manager.serial.device.FillLevelSensorWSN"/> -->
<!-- <property name="clazzParameters"> -->
<!-- <props> -->
<!-- <prop key="empty_distance">100.0</prop> -->
<!-- <prop key="full_distance">20.0</prop> -->
<!-- </props> -->
<!-- </property> -->
<!-- <property name="baudrate" value="9600"/> -->
<!-- <property name="databits" value="8"/> -->
<!-- <property name="stopbits" value="1"/> -->
<!-- <property name="parity" value="0"/> -->
<!-- <property name="port" value="/dev/ttyACM0"/> -->
<!-- </bean> -->
<!-- </entry> -->
<!-- </map> -->
<!-- </constructor-arg> -->
<!-- </bean> -->
<!-- <bean id="xivelyManager" class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.xivelymanager.XivelyManager"
depends-on="mqttPusher"/> -->
<!-- <bean id="m2mManager" class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.etsi_m2m_manager.EtsiM2MManager" -->
<!-- depends-on="mqttPusher"> -->
<!-- <constructor-arg value="http://m2mserver.example" /> -->
<!-- </bean> -->
<bean id="mqttPusher" class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.pusher.mqtt.MqttPusher">
<constructor-arg value="tcp://<mqtt-address>:<mqtt-port>" />
<constructor-arg value="<scral-id>"></constructor-arg>
<!-- Fill the value with the scral FQDN, will be removed -->
<constructor-arg value="scral.example.example"></constructor-arg>
<bean id="WasteBinSimulatorManager"
<constructor-arg value="turin_waste.jsonld" />
<constructor-arg value="600000" />

<!-- <bean id="ResourceCatalogConnector" class="it.ismb.pertlab.pwal.resourcecatalog.connector.ResourceCatalogConnector">
<constructor-arg value="http://<catalogue-address>"/> <constructor-arg
value="<scral-address>"/> </bean> -->

<bean id="UeiManager" class="it.ismb.pert.pwal.managers.wastebin.uei.UeiManager"
<entry key="BIN-KEY">
<property name="id" value="BIN 1" />
<property name="streetAddress" value="Route 66" />
<property name="garbageType" value="DryRubbish" />
<property name="location">
<bean class="it.ismb.pertlab.smartcity.api.GeoPoint">
<property name="latitude" value="5.0" />
<property name="longitude" value="5.0" />
<constructor-arg value="true"></constructor-arg>
<bean id="LorryManager" class="it.ismb.pert.pwal.managers.wastebin.lorry.LorryManager"
<entry key="LORRY-KEY">
<property name="id" value="LORRY-ID1" />
<property name="location">
<bean class="it.ismb.pertlab.smartcity.api.GeoPoint">
<property name="latitude" value="5.0" />
<property name="longitude" value="5.0" />
<constructor-arg value="true"></constructor-arg>

As can easily be noticed, device and technology managers are activated by:

  1. Listing the corresponding reference in the bean entry with id equal to PWAL
  2. Defining a suitable <bean>...</bean> entry for providing the needed initialization parameters, e.g., the number of fake bins to generate for the WasteBinSimulatorManager

Once updated the configuration, the SCRAL should be restarted. This can be done either by stopping and restarting the corresponding context on the servlet container, or, more easily, by restarting the container:

sudo service tomcat7 restart

At this point the SCRAL shall be active and serving the confugured devices / technologies.