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Docker image

The recommended way to install/deploy the Virtualization Layer is via its Docker image:


Either after using Docker (above) or a manual installation (below), it is good to put a reverse proxy in front of the Virtualization Layer for adding a layer of security, with TLS for HTTPS and Secure WebSocket. We suggest using the open source


Manual installation of the Virtualization Layer

Requires Node.js >= 0.10.40, and NPM 1.4.28+. Uses cURL for requests to the Resource Catalogue. For MQTT, recommend protocol 3.1.1+ (e.g. Mosquitto version 1.3+).

  1. See

    • On Ubuntu 16.04+ or Debian 9+:
    apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm curl
  2. Create and move to the directory where the VirtualizationLayer should be located, e.g.

mkdir -p /opt/virtualization-layer/
cd /opt/virtualization-layer/
  1. Deploy the VirtualizationLayer source-code
git clone

A suggestion of path is to put it in /opt/virtualization-layer/

  1. Use npm to fetch the libraries and dependencies automatically:

For a production deployment:

npm install --production

Or if you want to perform continuous integration and other tests, leave out the production flag:

npm install

The main dependencies include request, ws, mqtt, node-ssdp, jsonwebtoken.

Setup of the Virtualization Layer

Look at the config.js without changing it, and edit a config.local.js file according to your network (and example is provided in config.local.example.js).

Testing the Virtualization Layer:

(Only available when the installation was done without the production flag)

npm test

Running the Virtualization Layer

If you are not using Docker, then there is a number of alternatives.

Either manually:

cd /opt/virtualization-layer/
nodejs index.js

TODO: Finish documentation

sudo npm install -g pm2
pm2 start /usr/bin/nodejs /opt/virtualization-layer/index.js -- -v
pm2 save
pm2 startup

Or from a cron at restart:

Edit the file /etc/cron.d/almanac and add:

@reboot root cd /opt/virtualization-layer/ && /usr/bin/nodejs /opt/virtualization-layer/index.js >> /var/log/virtualization-layer/virtualization-layer.log 2>&1 &

Or from a Linux Upstart service

Add a new file /etc/init/virtualization-layer.conf

description	"ALMANAC VirtualizationLayer"

start on net-device-up
stop on shutdown

respawn limit 30 60

	cd /opt/virtualization-layer
	exec sudo -u almanac /usr/bin/nodejs /opt/virtualization-layer/index.js >> /var/log/virtualization-layer/virtualization-layer.log 2>&1
end script

And then use it a a service, such as:

service virtualization-layer restart

Virtualization Layer API


  • Public information about the instance: /virtualizationLayerInfo
  • More internal information about the instance: /internalStatus
  • List of known instances in the federation: /distributedInstances
  • WebSocket HTML+JavaScript federated chat, for debugging federation aspects: /socket.html
  • WebSocket JavaScript console, showing the activity of the local MQTT broker: /console.html
  • Test JSON Web Token decoding (does not check the signature): /jwt.decode/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJpYXQiOjE0MzcwMTg1ODIsImV4cCI6MTQzNzAxODU4M30.NmMv7sXjM1dW0eALNXud8LoXknZ0mH14GtnFclwJv0s
  • Test JSON Web Token verifying (check the signature): /jwt.verify/eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWUsImF1ZCI6IkNvcGVuaGFnZW4ifQ.RgBsgsm75Df5FhReDpH0yrLw5lvtTe87AgskTPEm36pYEhXcXCW07S5Y85VRc7cVx5McQHmFPo08q1eKRTEXLKfEwCl6Q1f61Kj5Zm2ZcLOvVU2S3ZFdrLePxAuON9Q7W2u4uy8NYr9S9fV1hsmHpaI1pLRfknFFadgJgR5PJgo

HTTP Proxying + Format conversion

  • Proxy to Network Manager tunnelling: /tunnel/ (change the virtual address)
  • Proxy to Resource Catalogue: /ResourceCatalogue/ using the Resource Catalogue API
    • E.g. /ResourceCatalogue/ogc/Things?%24filter=thingid%20eq%20c26958ce0b98584b3558fc9a3621c2b1541cee4a7685c2d68c741875740bfa1a
  • Proxy to Storage Manager: /sm/ using the Storage Manager API
    • E.g. /sm/DataStreams%28ab1db42dea1bcdcb03f61b2a47ada8a77955715abe9bbed6611d82ba5ffa3570%29/Observations/$current
    • Format conversion to ATOM (RSS): /sm-rss/ using the Storage Manager API for observations
    • Format conversion to CSV: /sm-csv/ using the Storage Manager API for observations
    • Format conversion to TSV: /sm-tsv/ using the Storage Manager API for observations
  • Proxy to SCRAL: /scral/ using the SCRAL API
    • E.g. /scral/devices
  • Proxy to SmartSantander: /santander/ using SmartSantander API
    • E.g. /santander/GetNodes
  • Proxy to Node-RED: /nodered/ using Node-RED Web UI and password protection

Distributed HTTP requests

  • Distributed Resource Catalogue request (using default merging strategy = split): /distributed/ResourceCatalogue/
    • E.g. /distributed/ResourceCatalogue/ogc/Things?%24filter=thingid%20eq%20c26958ce0b98584b3558fc9a3621c2b1541cee4a7685c2d68c741875740bfa1a
  • Distributed Resource Catalogue request (using split strategy = details grouped per instance): /distributed-split/ResourceCatalogue/
    • E.g. /distributed-split/ResourceCatalogue/ogc/Things?%24filter=thingid%20eq%20c26958ce0b98584b3558fc9a3621c2b1541cee4a7685c2d68c741875740bfa1a
  • Distributed Resource Catalogue request (using merge strategy = results merged just like if they came from one single request): /distributed-merge/ResourceCatalogue/
    • Assume JSON responses using the OGC {"Thing":[ ]} format
    • E.g. /distributed-merge/ResourceCatalogue/ogc/Things?%24filter=thingid%20eq%20c26958ce0b98584b3558fc9a3621c2b1541cee4a7685c2d68c741875740bfa1a


Good tools to test include wscat (command line) and Dark WebSocket Terminal (Google Chrome extension). (Replace localhost by the public URL of the instance)

  • Pan-federation chat: ws://localhost/ws/chat
  • Custom live events: ws://localhost/ws/custom-events
    • One can subscribe to internal MQTT topics by sending JSON messages like the following (they must start by a slash /):
      • {"topic":"/federation1/test1"}
      • {"topic":"/federation1/test2"}
    • Or one can subscribe to multiple MQTT topics using a regular expression (the pattern is automatically anchored at beginning ^ and end $):
      • {"topic":"/federation1/test[3-7]", "matching":"regex"}
      • {"topic":"/federation1/test8/.*", "matching":"regex"}
    • Each time, one then receives a confirmation with the list of topics subscribed to:
      • {"subscriptions":{"/federation1/test1":true,"/federation1/test2":true},"subscriptionsRegex":{"/federation1/test[1-7]":{},"/federation1/test1/.*":{}}}
    • And one then receives push messages for all matching events, e.g.
      • {"topic":"/federation1/test1","payload":{"Hello":"World"}}
      • {"topic":"/federation1/test8/abcd","payload":{"Hello":"World"}}


  1. If requireAuthorization is set in the configuration, the Virtualization Layer will expect an HTTP header Authorization of type Bearer containing a JSON Web Token (JWT), like (example generated by ):
curl -s "http://localhost/internalStatus" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWUsImF1ZCI6IkNvcGVuaGFnZW4ifQ.RgBsgsm75Df5FhReDpH0yrLw5lvtTe87AgskTPEm36pYEhXcXCW07S5Y85VRc7cVx5McQHmFPo08q1eKRTEXLKfEwCl6Q1f61Kj5Zm2ZcLOvVU2S3ZFdrLePxAuON9Q7W2u4uy8NYr9S9fV1hsmHpaI1pLRfknFFadgJgR5PJgo"
  1. The signature of the JWT will be validated against the public key openIdPublicKey defined in the Virtualization Layer configuration.

  2. The payload of the JWT must contain at least an Audience, which must match the instanceName defined in the Virtualization Layer configuration, like:

	"aud": "Copenhagen"
  1. See the URLs Test JSON Web Token higher up.