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Chris Haid edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

Tips and Tricks

Supposing I want to switch between norms (say 2011 vs 2015) when generating a mapvizieR object: how does one go about doing that?

Good question! It's not obviously straightforward now, but it isn't hard either. As it happens, we have a function that preps the norms tables (norms_students_wide_to_long), so it isn't as simple as passing in a parameter or the right table to the mapvizieR() function right now. Still, it isn't hard to do:

map_viz_11 <- mapvizieR(
                 cdf = assessment_results, 
                 roster = students_by_school, 
                 include_unsanctioned_windows = TRUE, # TRUE if you want them
                 norm_df_long = 

map_viz_15 <- mapvizieR(
                 cdf = assessment_results, 
                 roster = students_by_school, 
                 include_unsanctioned_windows = TRUE, # TRUE if you want them
                 norm_df_long = 

So essentially you pass you norms table into the norms_students_wide_to_long() function. Notice the use of the three colons, :::. You have to do that because norms_students_wide_to_long() is not an exported object from the mapvizieR package.