Aerostats and camouflaged object detection system made to propose a practical solution to identify and liquidate aerostats and camouflaged objects using a drone and a built-in laser module.
Aerostats object detection algorithm
The aerostats object detection algorithm is a Real-Time object detection algorithm, based on YoloV5 Pytorch implementation. The algorithm is capable of analyzing and inference from a remote drone camera, track the identified aerostat, and point a laser beam towards the target for its liquidation in real time, using a laser module that is installed on the drone, and is controlled by Servos and Arduino.
Camouflaged object detection algorithm
The camouflaged object detection algorithm is based on 13 Haralick Features, which Robert Haralick suggested in his article from 1973, and on a SVM (Support Vector Machine) model.
The algorithm is capable of analyzing and inference from images and videos. The objects that are predicted by the algorithm are visualized in a stream by mask object that is drawn inside the frame, and over the detected object.
Inside the project's root folder, 'Balloon-Camouflage-Detection', there is the main GUI component, called 'Demo_Dashboard'. Edit 'Demo_Dashboard' as follows:
In line 56, change first argument of '' to the following command, after changing the red paths to the correct paths on your local machine:
[PYTHON_PATH]/python.exe [PATH_TO_FOLDER]/Drone-Balloon-Camouflage-RealTime-Detection/yolov51/ --source 0 --weights [PATH_TO_FOLDER]/Drone-Balloon-Camouflage-RealTime-Detection/yolov51/ --conf-thres 0.7 --half --dnn
In '' inside 'yolov51' subfolder, change line 51 and define the correct COM number for the Arduino USB interface:
ArduinoSerial=serial.Serial('COM6',9600,timeout=0.1) # Define COM number for arduino interface
Install dependencies:
Make sure 'PIP' package is installed. Open PowerShell from 'yolov51' folder and execute:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run '', and choose the algorithm you want to fire: