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A simple and lightweight but powerful framework for PHP supporting MVC design pattern


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A simple and lightweight but powerful framework supporting MVC design pattern

In this project i have tried to make its uses so simple. The zinux's policy is Convention Over Configuration which leads it to run with minimal configuration and much more flexibility, you will find it very convenient to use and develop.

There are also a demo project and a zinux generator tool available.



  • PHP version 5.5.8 or greater

If your PHP version is less than v5.5.8 but greater or equal then v5.3.10 you can use the latest version of [email protected] which is compatible with PHP v5.3.10. but consider that this version won't be updated with any changes may be made in zinux v4.0.0 or greater. But we strongly suggest that you upgrade your PHP version, because there are lots of new feature and some bug fixes in zinux v4.0.0 or greater.

> Note: The original zinux was written and tested in PHP v5.3.10, there is no WARRANTY for PHP's other versions syntax/work-arounds compatibilities for this product.


There is a zinux installer shell script, it will automatically download and configure your system to use zinux project freely in your system.
It also installs zinux generator tool which is an handy tool to create, manipulate and provides solid security for your zinux project, for more information see Zinux Generator Tool.

You will need to have Git installed before using zinux installer.

For installation just download the zinux installer and save it at anywhere, and run the following command bash /path/to/your/zinux/installer it will do the reset.

Windows Users

For technical reasons zinux generator does not support Windows!! You just have to clone and use the framework manually.
We are sorry about this....

Some advise for PHP developers, you cannot become a professional PHP developer and develop a full scale PHP application within windows, you just cannot!! so maybe it is time to move your PHP developments on linux.

Directory Structure

Create project directory structure as follow.( or zg new PROJECT_NAME command in zinux generator tool)

    |_ Modules
        |_ SomeModule
            |_ Controllers
            |_ Models
            |_ Views
                |_ Layout
                |_ Helper
                |_ View

    |_ zinux (the library)
    |_ public_html
    |_ *

Quick Setup

Considering above directory structure; in your PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php file add following codes

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php';

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

    $app ->Startup()

and also create a .htaccess in the same directory as your index.php is and add following code route requestes to index.php.

# PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/.htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond $1 !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|ico|js)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /index.php/$1

Congratulations! you now have fully MVC magic under PROJECT-ROOT/Modules!!

You may wondering why the folder's name passed to \zinux\kernel\application\application
by considering case sensitivity, does not match with PROJECT-ROOT/Modules!?
See Path Resolver.

Simple, isn't it!?

MVC Entities

There are several entities defined in zenux framework:

  • Modules
  • Controllers
  • Actions
  • Models
  • Layout
  • Views
  • Helpers

See naming convention for MVC Entities

Autoloading Classes and Files

zinux uses PSR-0 Standard namespace conventions to load MVC Entities. so as long as MVC Entities follow PSR-0 Standard the zinux's autoloader may be able to load those classes and beside require_once '../zinux/zinux.php' no require needed for loading classes!

Note: classes and relative files should have same name. [not necessarily case-sensitive]

Naming Conventsion

MVC entities naming convension is as following table:

Entity Pattern File's Extention Example
Modules [module_name]Module [FOLDER]
  • DefaultModule
  • UserModule
  • AuthModule
Controllers [controller_name]Controller .php
  • IndexController
  • UserController
  • AuthController
Actions [model_name]Action [Method]
  • LoginAction
  • FeedAction
  • LogoutAction
Models [model_name] .php
  • userModel
  • Foo
  • WhatEver
Layouts [layout_name]Layout .phtml
  • DefaultLayout
  • LoginLayout
  • PrintLayout
Views [view_name]View .phtml
  • IndexView
  • LoginView
  • AwesomeView
Helpers * [helper_name]Helper .php
  • LanguagesHelper
  • CoolHelper
  • MyHelper

* Note: Helpers can either be class files or function files, see Loading Helpers

Path Resolver

In UNIX style OS(e.g Linux) which the directory mapping is case-sensitive so sometimes it gets hard when we developing large scale projects and keeping in mind that every file and folder should named as library's defined standard naming (i.e you cannot miss-case a letter in your namings) it sucks!!
So i have developed a very fast and effective path solver which empower the library with non-case sensitive files and folders naming style!

Note: The path solver class is as fast as file_exist() operation which is inevitable when loading items! it uses custom made cache system which is very very fast and effective and makes path solver very smooth! so you don't need to worry about runtime factors, when it comes to path resolver!


General Definition of How To Boostrap

Every public method in bootstrap file which has a prefix 'pre_' gets called in pre-strap phase.
Every public method in bootstrap file which has a prefix 'post_' gets called in post-strap phase.

Application Bootstraps

zinux uses bootstrap files(if any defined) to bootstrap the project, project boostraping has 2 stages:

Before executing any operation regaurding to application, zinux launches pre-straps methods, of course if any defined.(See [bellow](#registering-application-bootstrap) for how to definition pre-straps.)
After executing the application, zinux launches post-straps methods, of course if any defined.(See bellow for how to definition post-straps.)

Application's bootstrap files can be located and addressed to anywhere under PROJECT-ROOT, I suggest put your application's boostrap files in following directory path

    |_ application
       |_ SomeAppBootstrap.php
       |_ AnotherAppBoostrap.php

    |_ Modules
    |_ zinux (the library)
    |_ public_html
    |_ *

Note: zinux supports multiple application boostrap files.

Registering Application Bootstrap

Assume we have boostrap class called appBoostrap under PROJECT-ROOT/application directory as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/application/appBoostrap.php
    namespace application;

    class appBoostrap extends \zinux\kernel\application\applicationBootstrap
        public function PRE_CHECK(\zinux\kernel\routing\request &$request)
             * this is a pre-strap function use this on pre-bootstrap opt.
             * @param \zinux\kernel\routing\request $request

        public function post_FOO(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
             * this is a post-strap function use this on post-bootstrap opt.
             * @param \zinux\kernel\routing\request $request

Note: Application bootsrap classes should inherit from \zinux\kernel\application\applicationBootstrap.

By overwriting the index file introduced in How To Use as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php';

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

    $app ->Startup()
         * This part is added to previous
         * version of index.php
         ->SetBootstrap(new \application\appBootstrap)

Now your appBootstrap is registered in zinux and will get called automatically, through booting project.

Note: In zinux you are not limited to have only one project bootstrap file, you can always have multiple project bootstrap file: (But of course i discourage to have multiple project boostrap file, it may cause confusion at application level.)

  $app ->Startup()
        * 1'st boostrap file
       ->SetBootstrap(new \application\appBootstrap)
        * 2'nd boostrap file
       ->SetBootstrap(new \application\anotherAppBootstrap)

Modules Bootstrap

zinux uses bootstrap file(if any exists when loading modules) to bootstrap the modules, bootstrap files are at following map:

    |_ Modules
        |_ SomeModule
            |_ Controllers
            |_ Models
            |_ Views
            |_ SomeBootstrap.php *(your module bootstrap)

        |_ DefaultModule
            |_ Controllers
            |_ Models
            |_ Views
            |_ DefaultBootstrap.php *(your module bootstrap)

    |_ zinux (the library)
    |_ public_html
    |_ *

In bootstrap file which is a class file there are 2 kind of methods Predispatch and Postdispatch:

Runs before dispatching to action method! good for operations like detecting language or checking if user is logged in or not
Runs after dispatching to action method! good do some data clean up or some other things

Note: zinux does not allow multiple boostrap file for boostraping modules.

Module Bootstrap Example


    namespace modules\defaultModule;

    class defaultBootstrap

      # Predispatch method #1
      public function PRE_echo(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
        echo "I am predispatch #1<br />";

        echo "<div style='color:darkred'>";
        echo "<br />You have requested:";
        echo "<br />Module : ".$request->module->full_name;
        echo "<br />Controller : ".$request->controller->full_name;
        echo "<br />Action : ".$request->action->full_name;
        echo "<br />View : ".$request->view->full_name;
        echo "</div>";

      # Predispatch method #2
      public function PRE_echo1(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
          echo "I am predispatch #2<br />";

      # Postdispatch method #1
      public function POST_echo(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
          echo "I am postdispatch #1<br />";

      # Postdispatch method #2
      public function POST_echo1(\zinux\kernel\routing\request $request)
          echo "I am postdispatch #2<br />";

      # This function would never gets called beacause
      # It does not have 'pre_' OR 'post_' naming prefix
      public function FooFunc()
          echo __METHOD__." will never get invoked...";

Working With MVC Entities (Basics)

Passing Variables To View

Varibales can passed to view in Controllers via following codes

   # in our controller we path varibales like this
   $this->view->passed_from_controller = $some_value;

   # in our view we access variable like this
   echo $this->passed_from_controller;

Passing Variables To Layout

Varibales can passed to view in Controllers and Views via following codes

   # in our controller OR view we path varibales like this
   $this->layout->passed_from_controller_or_view = $some_value;

   # in our layout we access variable like this
   echo $this->passed_from_controller_or_view;

Changing View

View can change in Controllers via following codes

  # Assume that we have Layout named 'LoginView'(case-insensitve) under current module/controller

  # following code will change current view to 'LoginView'

  # disable view(i.e loading no view only view)

Changing Layout

Layout can change in Controllers and Views via following codes

  # Assume that we have Layout named 'CoolLayout'(case-insensitve) under current module

  # following code will change current layout to 'CoolLayout'

  # disable any layouting(i.e loading no layout only view)

Loading Models

When creating models' instances the zinux's autoloader will load models.
No need for require for models!

Loading Helpers

Helper can load at Anywhere if demanded helper is a class file just create object of that class the zinux's autoloader do the rest! but if they are function files they should load via following code

  # Assume that we have Helper file named 'fOoModel.php'(case-insensitve) under current module

  # loades fOoModel.php which is under current module ($this->request->module)
  # the exact use of this code is valid in
  #   {Contoller}
  #   {Model}
  #   {View}
  #   {Layout}

  new \zinux\kernel\mvc\helper("foo", $this->request->module);

  # now we can use functions in 'fOoHelper.php' file
  some_Function_In_fOo('Hello, world')

A Controller Example

In this example we will have a demonstration of what we talked about above

Lets assume that we have a hypothetical controller under SomeModule define in directory structure Here is a controller example (pay attention to namespace and relative controller path).

    # this controller locates at
    # PROJECT-ROOT/Modules/SomeModule/Controllers/FooController.php
    namespace \Modules\SomeController\Controllers;

     * Remember that files pathes are not case sensitive

    class FooController extends \zinux\kernel\controller\baseController
       public function Initiate()
          * Do your init stuffs here
          * This method will get called
          * just before invoking actions

        * Url map to this controller :
        *  /some/foo/some/var?or=GET
        *  |OR|
        *  /some/foo/index/some/var?or=GET
       public function IndexAction()
         # lets see that is the request's params are
          * output:
          * Array
          * (
          *     [some] => var
          *     [or] => GET
          * )

        * Url map to this controller :
        *  /some/foo/feed
       public function FeedAction()
         # let assume that we have some data
         $data = some_data_generator();

         # if the 'json' format is requested
         # i.e the uri is :
         # /some/foo/feed.json
         if($this->request->type == "json")
           # we dont want any view or layout here
           # print out json format of data
           echo json_encode($data);
         # or if the 'raw' format is requested
         # i.e the uri is :
         # /some/foo/feed.json
         elseif($this->request->type == "raw")
           # we dont want any view or layout here
           # print out the raw format of $data

         # if was not a json request
         # pass data to view
         $this->view->some_data = $data;

         # set layout to feedLayout

        * Url map to this controller :
        *  /some/foo/modeluse
       public function ModelUseAction()
          * In this action are trying to show
          * how to use model and helper
         # Assume that we have a model in following path
         # PROJECT-ROOT/Modules/SomeModule/Models/Xoxo.php
         $o = \modules\SomeModule\Models\Xoxo();
         # fetch some data from xoxo class
         $this->view->new_data = $o->get_some_data();
         # test data validation
           # Assume that we have a helper in following path
           # PROJECT-ROOT/Modules/SomeModules/Views/Helper/A_helper.php
           new \zinux\kernel\mvc\helper("a_helper", $this->request->module);
           # in A_helper.php we have bellow function
           $this->view->proc_data = proccess_data($this->view->new_data);
           # change the view
            throw new \zinux\kernel\exceptions\notFoundException("data not found!");

At above demo all basic operations are demonstrated. so if you catchup with the above codes you are 100% ready to use zinux library.


As i mentioned before, the porpuse of zinux is convention over configuration, and the most challenging topics in developing any applications are Project Configuration and Databse Integration.
zinux provides a very simple and flexible manner in other to bind a configuration file and database initializer.
These are optional.

Custom Routing

Some times in developing its good to have URL name convention, i.e for editing notes instead of linking /note/edit/123 you can link /note/123/edit this cause a naming unifying at URI level, i.e cou can also have /note/123/delete and ... which is much pretty and user-friendly than /note/edit/123 and also /note/delete/123.
Zinux made it very simple to have such custom routing maps, to doing so you have to have some classes (zinux supports multiple routing class, but having multiple routing classes are discouraged for sake of clean project.) which inherit from \zinux\kernel\routing\routerBootstrap, you can put your routers any where under PROJECT-ROOT directory, i suggest put it under PROJECT-ROOT/application nearby your application boostrap files, there is an example:

	# PROJECT-ROOT/application/someRoutes.php
	namespace application;
	 * This is a class to add custom-routes to route maps
	class someRoutes extends \zinux\kernel\routing\routerBootstrap
	    public function Fetch()
	         * Route Example For This:
	         *      /note/1234/edit/what/so/ever?nonsences=passed => /note/edit/1234/what/so/ever?nonsences=passed
	        $this->addRoute("/note/$1/edit$2", "/note/edit/$1$2");

How does it works?
In someRoutes class in any function called from someRoutes::Fetch() by adding a route $this->addRoute() you can define custom made routes.

Note: The $1,$2 markers provide order in uri parts.

How To Register Routers

It is simple! By overwriting the index file introduced in How To Use as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php';

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

        * This part is added to previous
        * version of index.php
        ->SetRouterBootstrap(new \application\someRoutes)

Binding Custom Configuration File to Application

When creating \zinux\kernel\application\application instance in PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php file you can pass a instance of \zinux\kernel\application\baseConfigLoader to Startup().
and somewhere in your module you define a class which extents the abstract class \zinux\kernel\application\baseConfigLoader which would be resposible for to load configurations for your application. It can be a ini loader or XML loader, etc.

Usage example:

Lets suppose that we have a class named \vendor\tools\iniParser which is responsible for loading configurations from an ini file for your project.

Note: The zinux has its own ini parser you can use it, or define your config handler, your call.

By overwriting the index file introduced in How To Use as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php';

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

        * This part is added to previous
        * version of index.php
    	# Note that this registration is OPTIONAL
        # you don't come up with any cache directory
    	# the zinux will pick /tmp/zinux-cache as its cache directory
    	# setting Config iniliazer
    	->SetConfigIniliazer(new \zinux\kernel\utilities\iniParser("/path/to/config/file", RUNNING_ENV))

Accessing fetched configs

Now that we have loaded our configurations we can now get access to all loaded configurations from any we in your project via `\zinux\kernel\config\config` class! Example:
  # Assume that in out ini file we have following lines
   * = localhost
   * config.db.username = USERNAME
   * config.db.password = PASSWORD
   * config.db.dbname = DB_NAME

  # output: localhost
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "host");

  # output: USERNAME
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "username");

  # output: PASSWORD
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "password");

  # output: DB_NAME
  echo \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("config", "db", "dbname");

Easy enough, Na!?

Binding Database Handler To Application

When creating \zinux\kernel\application\application instance in PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php file you can pass a instance of \zinux\kernel\application\baseInitializer as a secondary argument to constructor.
and somewhere in your module you define a class which extents the abstract class \zinux\kernel\application\baseInitializer which would be resposible for configuring database for your application

Usage example:

Lets suppose that we have a class named \vendor\db\ActiveRecord\initializer which is responsible for initializing [PHP ActiveRecord](# for your project.
  # file : PROJECT-ROOT/vendor/db/ActiveRecord/initializer.php

  namespace vendor\db\ActiveRecord;

   * php-activerecord initializer
   * @author dariush
   * @version 1.0
  class ARInitializer extends \zinux\kernel\application\baseInitializer
      public function Execute()
	    # Where PHPActive-record lib. is stored
	    # location:  PROJECT-ROOT/vendor/db/ActiveRecord/vendor
	    require_once 'vendor/ActiveRecord.php';
        * For sake of following codes, you can do them in your `appBootstrap` too!
        * Its much better if only invoke the php-activerecord's autoloader and let its
        * configurations to be done in latter at a higher level code snap.
		* (e.g. in your `application/appBootstrap.php`.)
                'development' => 'mysql://username:password@localhost/database_name'));

By overwriting the index file introduced in How To Use as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php';

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

        * This part is added to previous
        * version of index.php
        ->SetInitializer(new \vendor\db\ActiveRecord\ARInitializer())

Your application is configured to use PHP ActiveRecord as database handler and you can use PHP ActiveRecord framework freely through your project.

Still Easy, mate!?

Adding Plugins

Add plugins is so simple in zinux you just add the plugin in where ever you want under PROJECT-ROOT and start using it with out any registration or configuration!!!
What!?!?! Yup, you got it right! but make sure your have followed PSR-0 Standard discussed in Autoloading Classes And Files in your plugins.

Actually the zinux looks the entire project as pluging by itself!!

     * in 'zinux/baseZinux.php' you will see the zinux
     * introduces the project's root directory as a plugin
     * to itself since the registerPlugin() considers plugins
     * under PROJECT-ROOT directory by passing no plugin directory
     * it will add the PROJECT-ROOT as a plugin!
    # require plugin file
    require_once 'kernel/application/plugin.php';
    # initiate a new plugin
    $plugin = new kernel\application\plugin();
    # treat current project as a plugin

Simple, Ha!?

Note: In case of using third-party libraries you may encounter with one of two situations bellow :

Situation #1

In case of using third-party libraries which has applied its own [PSR-0 Standard]( you can introduce its root directory to zinux like bellow.

By overwriting the index file introduced in How To Use as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php'

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

	     * introducing two 'sundries' and 'FooPlug' plugin to zinux
	    #  'sundries' plugin is under "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/sundires" directory
    	->registerPlugin("sundries", "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/sundires")
	 	# 'FooPlug' plugin is under "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/FooPlug" directory
    	->registerPlugin("FooPlug", "Some/Where/Under/PROJECT-ROOT/FooPlug")

Note: If the third-party does not follow PSR-0 Standard you have to apply the Situation #2 bellow. actually both are the same, but in Situation #1 the zinux does the autoloading for you, in Situation #2 you have to define your own autoloader which most third-party libraries do it, you just have to call it. see bellow.

Situation #2

In case of using third-party libraries has not applied [PSR-0 Standard]( and also which is hard to apply [PSR-0 Standard]( to it, following Tip may become usefull!

Tip: If you are using and third-party plugin, you don't need to standardize entire plugin with PSR-0 Standard (notice that we didn't change any PHP-ActiveRecord namespaces in Binding Database Handler To Application!!)
You just create a initializer class in that plugin which define a autoloader for that pluging! In Binding Database Handler To Application example the autoloader is defined in :

  # Where PHPActive-record lib. is stored
  # location:  PROJECT-ROOT/vendor/db/ActiveRecord/vendor
  require_once 'vendor/ActiveRecord.php';

Then you call the plugin autoloader just before making application run! i.e by overwriting the index file introduced in How To Use as follow:

    # PROJECT-ROOT/public_html/index.php

    defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "DEVELOPMENT");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "PRODUCTION");
    # defined("RUNNING_ENV") || define("RUNNING_ENV", "TEST");

    require_once '../zinux/zinux.php'

    $app = new \zinux\kernel\application\application("PROJECT-ROOT/mOdUlEs");

     * Call the pluging initliazer here!
    # Lets assume that we have third-party library and we wish to use it
    # And also we have a class `\Some\Where\In\Project\FOO_PLUGIN_INITIALIZER`
    # Just do class the `\Some\Where\In\Project\FOO_PLUGIN_INITIALIZER` here!
    $plugin_init = \Some\Where\In\Project\FOO_PLUGIN_INITIALIZER();

    $app ->Startup()


Request Types

The zinux supports request types i.e you can have a URI like /news/feed.json which points to NewsController and FeedAction you can ouput feeds according to request type (in here json) in NewsController::FeedAction()! default is html.

Demo Project

You can download a demo project from zinux-demo.

Zinux Generator Tool

Zinux generator tool is an efficient appliction designed to make use of zinux project even easier than it is, and also makes you develop more, in a short time.
For an example, just by typing following command you will have your preoject ready:

# shortcut form:
# zg n new_project
zg new new_project

The above command will creates a whole new project containing defaultModule, appBootstrap, appRoutes, indexConroller, etc.

Or for an other example the following command will creates a new action and its related view in any controller and in any desired module:

# shortcut form:
# zg n a action_name (controller_name) (module_name)
zg new action action_name (controller_name) (module_name)

For more information see Zinux Generator Project's official page.

It also provides solid code-level security for your project, by solid encryption/decryption algorithms designed to encrypt or decrypt your project's code files.


A simple and lightweight but powerful framework for PHP supporting MVC design pattern







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