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Alvyn Duy-Khoi Le edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

Health app



Authorization flow

  1. Open app.
  2. Check HealthKit is available (IsAvailable).
    1. If no, show App not supported on iPad.
  3. Ask for permissions (InitHealthKit, built-in method will automatically skip if already prompted)
  4. Check for permissions (AuthStatus)
    1. If no write permissions, show a page that prompts for the permissions.
    2. If no read, but write, will have to technically operate without knowledge.
  5. Redirect to app


  • Missing data

    If you are observing missing weight data from other sources, please make sure you have granted WeightTracker the correct read permissions (“ALLOW “WEIGHTTRACKER” TO READ) in Settings > Health > Data Access & Devices > WeightTracker.

  • Missing permissions

    Please allow all operations to your Apple Health app in Settings > Health > Data Access & Devices > WeightTracker.


isAvailable - HealthKit is not available on iPad.

getAuthStatus - Obtain write auth status to Health app. Cannot know read status.


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