Controle Multiple LogRhythm SIEMs Alert and Cases from a Single API
The tool is written to control multiple LogRhythm SIEMs cases and alerts from one place. The need for an easy way to search for IOCs or keywords in all SIEMS Cases and Alarms content. The tool basically replicate one API similar to the LogRhythm default API to multiple instances of LogRhythm.
Reporting: creating SOC metrics from all SIEMS from one API
Automation: automating reporting and alert and cases fetching
IOCs searching: Sometimes it’s useful to know if a certain case or IOC is already reporting in recent case or appeared in an alert.
go install
In order to be able to control multiple SIEMs, host information and token need to be added to the configuration as well as a LogRhythmOne token with permission to interact with the added SIEMs.
For each command, help page can be viewed by executing LogRhythmOne.exe help [Command]
Unified LogRhythm API - Control multiple LogRhythm SIEMs from one API
LogRhythmOne.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
run Run Server
user Add a new user account
token Generate a new token
join Join a new LogRhtyhm SIEM
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
The tools accepts configuration from command line by using the join command
C:\Users\ali.washali\go\src\LogRhythmOne> LogRhythmOne.exe help join
LogRhythmOne.exe join - Join a new LogRhtyhm SIEM
LogRhythmOne.exe join [command options] [arguments...]
--name value, -n value LogRhythm Instance Name
--host value, --ip value LogRhythm IP Address or domain
--token value, -t value LogRhythm Token
Joining a SIEM instance to the configuration is reflected in secrets folder as a yaml file for each SIEM
LogRhythmOne.exe join --name LR1 --host --token [LogRhythm Token Here]
Tool accepts JWT username password and token authentications. Token is easier to work with in case the tool is used with SOAR or automation workflows and Username and Password authentication in case it’s linked with a UI interface. Permission has to be set which is basically the name of the LogRhythm instance added using join command.
Use command token generate token to access specific SIEM or Multiple SIEMS. The token has default of 365 days lifetime and can be changed using -d option.
C:\Users\ali.washali\go\src\LogRhythmOne> LogRhythmOne.exe help token
LogRhythmOne.exe token - Generate a new token
LogRhythmOne.exe token [command options] [arguments...]
--days value, -d value Number of days to use for token life time (default: 365)
--permission value, -p value LogRhythm SIEMS allowed to be searched. Use 'all' for all SIEMs
Creating a token that has permission to access multiple SIEMs. SIEMs names can’t be used as permission if not first added as SIEMs using join command.
C:\Users\ali.washali\go\src\LogRhythmOne>LogRhythmOne.exe token -p LR1 -p LR2 -p LR3
Token Generated:
Token generated by LogRhythmOne tool must be passed in authorization header for each API call**.**
Username and password can be used as a mean of authentication if the tools is linked with UI. Command user can be used to create users. Each user password and permission is stored in a yaml file inside secrets folder. The account info are used with login API inside POST request JSON body.
C:\Users\ali.washali\go\src\LogRhythmOne>LogRhythmOne.exe help user
LogRhythmOne.exe user - Add a new user account
LogRhythmOne.exe user [command options] [arguments...]
--username value, -u value Account username
--password value, --pw value Account Password
--permission value, -p value LogRhythm SIEMS allowed to be searched. (default: "all")
Creating a user that has access to LR1 and LR2 SIEMs only. SIEMs names can’t be used as permission if not first added as SIEMs using join command.
C:\Users\ali.washali\go\src\LogRhythmOne>LogRhythmOne.exe user --username ali --password Passw0rd! -p LR1 -p LR2
2023/02/22 22:52:19 User ali was added successfuly
User info are stored inside secrets/users/ali.yaml file.
username: ali
password: $2a$14$WqYOpW8VGQUib5z7YzJVceWT1dHD4YZDDCzme268O03YDGvd3uzdq
- LR1
- LR2
The run option execute the mux server listening for incoming API calls.
set lrport=8080
LogRhythmOne.exe run
Most important part in the request is the name header. It contains the names of LogRhythm SIEMs to be queried or ‘all’ to query all allowed SIEMs.
GET /cases
Cases API is used to fetch all cases from all SIEMs allowed as per the included token, header name can be used to specific SIEM name or value ‘all’ for all SIEMs.
Header keyword can be used to filter for specific case that contains value in case title or content.
Get /case/[id]
Case API to fetch a particular case by ID. SIEM instance name must be set in name header.
GET /alarms
Alarms API is used to fetch all alarms from all SIEMs allowed as per the included token, header name can be used to specific SIEM name or value ‘all’ for all SIEMs.
Header keyword can be used to filter for specific alarm that contains value in alarm rule name.
Get /alarm/[id]
Alarm API to fetch a particular alarm by ID. SIEM instance name must be set in name header.
APIs results can be controlled using filters in request headers such as following LogRhythm default API headers. Refer to LogRhythm docs page at https://IPAddress:8501/lr-case-api/docs for more information about the headers.
- CreatedAfter
- CreatedBefore
- updatedAfter
- updatedBefore
- statusNumber
- priority
- Name
- Count
- alarmStatus
- entityName
- dateInserted