- YD数据转为Trip行程
- IC数据转为Trans交通
- 对IC->Trans数据进行数据清洗
- 对YD数据进行拆分 -> 清洗 -> 过滤 -> 追加到Trans
- 将清洗后的数据导入文件
- 将文件中的数据导入数据库
## YD 到 trip 数据的映射
type Trip struct {
TripId string //行程ID
MatchMarker string //匹配标记[进站抵消 单边进 单边出 补登进 补登出 出站票]
InTransId string //进站ID
OutTransId string //出站ID
In Trans //进站的 票ID 站台ID 站台名称 时间
Out Trans //出站的 票ID 站台ID 站台名称 时间
TripId: m["行程编号"][i],
MatchMarker: m["匹配标记"][i],
InTransId: m["进站行程编号"][i],
OutTransId: m["出站行程编号"][i],
In: Trans{
TransCode: In,
TicketId: m["虚拟卡号"][i],
Line: m["IN_STATION_ID"][i][0:2],
StationId: m["IN_STATION_ID"][i],
StationName: m["进站车站"][i],
TransId: m["进站行程编号"][i],
TransTime: time.Time{},
TransDate: "",
Out: Trans{
TransCode: Out,
TicketId: m["虚拟卡号"][i],
Line: m["OUT_STATION_ID"][i][0:2],
StationId: m["OUT_STATION_ID"][i],
StationName: m["出站车站"][i],
TransId: m["出站行程编号"][i],
TransTime: time.Time{},
TransDate: "",
## IC 到 trans 数据的映射
type Trans struct {
TransCode string `gorm:"index"` //交通类型码[21进站 22出站]
TicketId string `gorm:"index"` //票ID
Line string `gorm:"index"` //地铁线路
StationId string `gorm:"index"` //站台ID
StationName string `gorm:"index"` //站台名称
TransId string `gorm:"primaryKey"` //进出站ID
TransTime time.Time `gorm:"index"` //进出站时间
TransDate string `gorm:"index"` //进出站日期(凌晨1点前属于前一天)
transTime, err := time.Parse(TransTimeFormat, m["TXN_DATE"][i]+m["TXN_TIME"][i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
list[i].TransCode = m["TRANS_CODE"][i]
list[i].TicketId = m["TICKET_ID"][i]
list[i].Line = m["TXN_STATION_ID"][i][0:2]
list[i].StationId = m["TXN_STATION_ID"][i]
list[i].StationName = station.StationNameById(m["TXN_STATION_ID"][i])
list[i].TransTime = transTime
list[i].TransDate = transTime.Add(-1 * time.Hour).Format("060102")
## 进出站匹配&数据清洗
// TranFilter 数据清洗
func TranFilter(origin []Tran) []Tran {
sort.Slice(origin, func(i, j int) bool { return origin[i].TransTime.Before(origin[j].TransTime) })
//过滤部分 transCode错误 进出站时间错误 的数据
all := make([]Tran, 0, len(origin))
for i, trans := range origin {
if trans.TransCode != In && trans.TransCode != Out {
if trans.TransTime.Hour() >= 0 && trans.TransTime.Hour() < 6 {
all = append(all, origin[i])
return InOutMatch(all)
// InOutMatch 进出站匹配
func InOutMatch(all []Tran) []Tran {
if len(all) <= 1 {
return nil
var tc int
right := make([]Tran, 0, len(all))
for i, trans := range all {
if trans.TransCode == transCodes[tc] {
if trans.TransCode == Out && len(right) > 0 && trans.StationName == right[len(right)-1].StationName {
right = right[:len(right)-1]
} else {
right = append(right, all[i])
tc = (tc + 1) % 2
} else if trans.TransCode == In {
right[len(right)-1] = all[i]
if len(right)%2 == 1 {
right = right[:len(right)-1]
if len(right) == 0 {
return nil
return right
## 获取OD表
func Odm(StationNames []string, trips []Trip) map[string]map[string]int {
length := len(StationNames)
odm := make(map[string]map[string]int, length)
for _, si := range StationNames {
odm[si] = make(map[string]int, length)
for _, sj := range StationNames {
odm[si][sj] = 0
for _, trip := range trips {
_, ok := odm[trip.In.StationName][trip.Out.StationName]
if ok {
return odm
## 最短路径规划
// InitGraph 初始化图
func InitGraph(objs []Station, length int) dijkstra.Graph {
// 初始化节点
graph := dijkstra.NewSparseGraph(length)
// 初始化边
tmp := objs[0].Line
for i := 1; i < len(objs); i++ {
if objs[i].Line == tmp {
graph.AddEdge(objs[i-1].Vi, objs[i].Vi, 1)
graph.AddEdge(objs[i].Vi, objs[i-1].Vi, 1)
} else {
tmp = objs[i].Line
return graph
// Navigations 任意两点间最短路径
func Navigations(objs []Station) []Navigation {
length := VertexLen(objs)
graph := InitGraph(objs, length)
vertexes := Vertexes(objs, length)
navigations := make([]Navigation, 0)
for _, start := range vertexes {
prev, dist := dijkstra.Dijkstra2(graph, start.Vi)
for _, end := range vertexes {
if start.Vi == end.Vi {
tmp := Navigation{sv: start.Vi, ev: end.Vi}
dijkstra.GetPrev(end.Vi, prev, &tmp.path)
if dist[end.Vi] == math.MaxFloat64 {
tmp.weight = -1
} else {
tmp.weight = dist[end.Vi]
navigations = append(navigations, tmp)
return navigations
// PathMap start_station_name + end_station_name => path
func PathMap(objs []Station) map[string][]Vertex {
vm := ViVertexM(objs)
navigations := Navigations(objs)
nl := len(navigations)
m := make(map[string][]Vertex, nl)
for _, na := range navigations {
//key := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", na.sv, na.ev)
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", vm[na.sv].Name, vm[na.ev].Name)
m[key] = make([]Vertex, 0, len(na.path))
for _, vi := range na.path {
m[key] = append(m[key], vm[vi])
return m
## 断面客流量
// InitCsnm 断面客流量
func InitCsnm(pm map[string][]Vertex) map[string]int {
m := make(map[string]int, 0)
for se, vertexes := range pm {
if len(vertexes) == 2 {
m[se] = 0
return m
func CsnMap(trips []Trip, stations []Station) map[string]int {
pm := PathMap(stations)
m := InitCsnm(pm)
for _, trip := range trips {
for i := 1; i < len(trip.Path); i++ {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", trip.Path[i-1], trip.Path[i])
return m
func CsnTable(trips []Trip, stationNames []string) [][]string {
stations := Stations()
m := CsnMap(trips, stations)
nvm := NameVertexM(stations)
set := Arrs2Set(stationNames)
table := make([][]string, 0)
table = append(table, []string{"line", "sid", "eid", "direction", "sn", "en", "num"})
for key, num := range m {
list := strings.Split(key, "_")
sv, ev := nvm[list[0]], nvm[list[1]]
//通过sv, ev交集算出线路
lines := Intersection(LinesByIds(sv.Ids), LinesByIds(ev.Ids))
if len(lines) > 1 {
//fmt.Println(sv, ev) //todo::log
sid := IdByLine(lines[0], sv.Ids)
eid := IdByLine(lines[0], ev.Ids)
direction := strings.Compare(sid, eid)
if len(stationNames) == 0 {
table = append(table, []string{lines[0], sid, eid, strconv.Itoa(direction), sv.Name, ev.Name, strconv.Itoa(num)})
} else if set[sv.Name] && set[ev.Name] {
table = append(table, []string{lines[0], sid, eid, strconv.Itoa(direction), sv.Name, ev.Name, strconv.Itoa(num)})
return table
create table `test-db`.trans
trans_code varchar(191) null,
ticket_id varchar(191) null,
line varchar(191) null,
station_id varchar(191) null,
station_name varchar(191) null,
trans_id varchar(191) not null
primary key,
trans_time datetime(3) null,
trans_date varchar(191) null
create index idx_trans_line
on `test-db`.trans (line);
create index idx_trans_station_id
on `test-db`.trans (station_id);
create index idx_trans_station_name
on `test-db`.trans (station_name);
create index idx_trans_ticket_id
on `test-db`.trans (ticket_id);
create index idx_trans_trans_code
on `test-db`.trans (trans_code);
create index idx_trans_trans_date
on `test-db`.trans (trans_date);
create index idx_trans_trans_time
on `test-db`.trans (trans_time);
# drop table `test-db`.trans
select count(*) from trans;
# 1.周五_0820_观音桥_进站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210820"
and station_name = "观音桥"
and trans_code = "21"
group by time order by time;
# 2.周五_0820_观音桥_出站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210820"
and station_name = "观音桥"
and trans_code = "22"
group by time order by time;
# 3.周一_0816_光电园_进站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210816"
and station_name = "光电园"
and trans_code = "21"
group by time order by time;
# 4.周一_0816_光电园_出站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210816"
and station_name = "光电园"
and trans_code = "22"
group by time order by time;
# 5.周六_0821_重庆北站南广场_进站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210821"
and station_name = "重庆北站南广场"
and trans_code = "21"
group by time order by time;
# 6.周六_0821_重庆北站南广场_出站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210821"
and station_name = "重庆北站南广场"
and trans_code = "22"
group by time order by time;
# 7.周六_0821_04_进站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210821"
and line = "04"
and trans_code = "21"
group by time order by time;
# 8.周六_0821_04_出站
select DATE_FORMAT(trans_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as time, count(*)
from trans
where trans_date = "210821"
and line = "04"
and trans_code = "22"
group by time order by time;
# 1.0816_08-10_车站分组_数量排序
select station_name, count(*) as count
from trans
where trans_time between "2021-08-16 08:00:00" and "2021-08-16 10:00:00"
group by station_name order by count desc limit 10;
# 2.0816_17-19_车站分组_数量排序
select station_name, count(*) as count
from trans
where trans_time between "2021-08-16 17:00:00" and "2021-08-16 19:00:00"
group by station_name order by count desc limit 10;
# 3.0816_06:30-09_按部分车站分组
select station_name, count(*) as count
from trans
where trans_time between "2021-08-16 06:30:00" and "2021-08-16 09:00:00"
and station_name in ("朝天门","小什字","较场口","七星岗","两路口","鹅岭","大坪","石油路","歇台子","重庆工商大学","四公里","南坪","工贸","铜元局","牛角沱","华新街","观音桥","红旗河沟","嘉州路","郑家院子","唐家院子","狮子坪","重庆北站南广场","龙头寺","童家院子","刘家坪","大剧院","江北城","五里店","红土地","黄泥磅","花卉园","大龙山","冉家坝","光电园","仁济","上新街","海棠溪","罗家坝","南湖")
group by station_name ;
# 4.0816_按部分车站分组
select station_name, count(*) as count
from trans
where station_name in ("朝天门","小什字","较场口","七星岗","两路口","鹅岭","大坪","石油路","歇台子","重庆工商大学","四公里","南坪","工贸","铜元局","牛角沱","华新街","观音桥","红旗河沟","嘉州路","郑家院子","唐家院子","狮子坪","重庆北站南广场","龙头寺","童家院子","刘家坪","大剧院","江北城","五里店","红土地","黄泥磅","花卉园","大龙山","冉家坝","光电园","仁济","上新街","海棠溪","罗家坝","南湖")
group by station_name ;
- 剔除 transCode不为 [21,22]的数据
- 剔除 0-6点的数据
- 对每一天的数据做进出站匹配。丢弃错误数据包括:连续进站,连续出站,仅出站,仅进站,同站进出
- 一天内同一个票的所有trans数据按时间排序进行分桶(栈结构存储)
- 对桶内数据从末端按一条"出",一条"进"的顺序取出,若不符合这个规则则丢弃(即上一步描述的错误数据)