Welcome to the iOS-Pentesting wiki!
List identities
./applesign.js -L
./applesign.js -i ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST /blah/blah.ipa
Deploy with impactor or ios-deploy/ipa-deploy
frida-ps -Uia
objection --gadget "com.apple.AppStore" explore
objection explore --startup-command 'ios jailbreak simulate'
Connect phone to Mac - run a test app in xcode and fix signing certificates. This should generate a provisioning file.
Find code sigs
security find-identity -p codesigning -v
Patch Frida dylib to ipa
objection patchipa --source blah.ipa --codesign-signature 1234BLAH
Deploy in debugging mode
ios-deploy --bundle blah.app -W -d
Run in debug mode without installing again
ios-deploy -b blah.app -W -m
var app = [ UIApplication sharedApplication ] app.delegate !# you can also just use UIApp.delegate var delegate = new Instance(0x2315f0)
!#call delegate [ delegate pinLockControllerDidFinishUnlocking ] for bool values: [ UIApp.delegate userIsLogged: YES ]
cy# UIApp.keyWindow.rootViewController.topViewController.visibleViewController
cy# choose(UIViewController)
cy# [classname].messages or cy# function printMethods(className) { var count = new new Type("I"); var methods = class_copyMethodList(objc_getClass(className), count); var methodsArray = []; for(var i = 0; i < *count; i++) { var method = methods[i]; methodsArray.push({selector:method_getName(method), implementation:method_getImplementation(method)}); } free(methods); free(count); return methodsArray; } cy# printMethods("[classname]")
cy# function tryPrintIvars(a){ var x={}; for(i in a){ try{ x[i] = (a)[i]; } catch(e){} } return x; } cy# a=#0x15d0db80 cy# tryPrintIvars(a)
cy# [a pinCode] cy# [a setPinCode: @"1234"] cy# [a isValidPin] cy# a->isa.messages['isValidPin'] = function(){return 1;}
killall -HUP SpringBoard
iproxy 2222 22
For iOS 10 yalu JB run on device
dropbear -R -p 2222
/User/Media/Downloads or /var/mobile/Media
git clone https://github.com/mwrlabs/needle.git
apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev sshpass sqlite3 lib32ncurses5-dev
If kali has'nt been updated in a while will have to update apt source and gpg key
wget -q -O - https://archive.kali.org/archive-key.asc | apt-key add
In needle to install all dependencies on device:
use device/dependency_installer
Install lipo from org.coolstar.cctools
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/dropbear.plist
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/dropbear.plist
dropbear -F -R -p 22
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/dropbear.plist
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/dropbear.plist
/var/db/stash/_.cBfT4d/bin/dropbear -F -R -p 22