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Pose World & Superboneworld

This is the source code for and & Superboneworld

This is heavily based off tensorboy/pytorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation. Reproduced after this section is the of it at the time of this project.

My modifications to it include cleaning up the code, making it somewhat more modular and optimising the handle_one function in that performs a single forward pass and connects the 'joint heatmap' into skeletons. It also no longer resizes images to be a square before processing them, since it is fully convlutional it can work with images of all sizes. Generally the processing time is dominated by the post-processing of the joint-heatmap into skeletons.

I have also created various servers, clients and scripts:

  • Websocket with Javascript client. Currently this consumes an mjpeg stream and outputs the skeletons present in the stream in realtime, but would be trivial to modify to consume other video streams.
  • ZMQ with ZMQ client. Currently this consumes an mjpeg stream as with the Websocket server. There is also a REQ-REP client present.
  • The script processes video files into a json that contains a frames array that contains the bone positions for the skeletons (disambiguated between skeletons) in the video per frame. There is a Javascript visualiser that can load this information. This is Superboneworld.

The pose jsons used for Superboneworld are available at:

Untar the file inside the js/ folder such that you have a folder named jsons containing the frame-by-frame json description (i.e js/jsons/A_AP_Ferg_-_Shabba_Explicit_ft._A_AP_ROCKY-iXZxipry6kE.json, js/jsons/JAK VYPADÁ MŮJ PARKOUR TRÉNINK #3 _ TARY-xgrWm_g8hno.json etc...).

This project relies heavily on tensorboy/pytorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation. Reproduced below is the at the time of this project.

pytorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation

This is a pytorch version of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation, origin code is here ZheC/Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation


Code repo for reproducing 2017 CVPR Oral paper using pytorch.


  1. Testing
  2. Training


  1. Pytorch
  2. Caffe is required if you want convert caffe model to a pytorch model.


  • cd model; sh to download caffe model or download converted pytorch model(
  • cd caffe_to_pytorch; python to convert a trained caffe model to pytorch model. The converted model have relative error less than 1e-6, and will be located in ./model after converted.
  • pythont to run the picture demo.
  • pythont to run the web demo.



Network Architecture



Please cite the paper in your publications if it helps your research:

  author = {Shih-En Wei and Varun Ramakrishna and Takeo Kanade and Yaser Sheikh},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  title = {Convolutional pose machines},
  year = {2016}