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Dataset and codebase for "Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains"


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Biomedical MQM Dataset

Dataset and codebase for Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains

We introduce a new, extensive multidimensional quality metrics (MQM) annotated dataset covering 11 language pairs in the biomedical domain. We use this dataset to investigate whether machine translation (MT) metrics which are fine-tuned on human-generated MT quality judgements are robust to domain shifts between training and inference. We find that fine-tuned metrics exhibit a substantial performance drop in the unseen domain scenario relative to metrics that rely on the surface form, as well as pre-trained metrics which are not fine-tuned on MT quality judgments.

If you use the data or code, please cite:

      title={Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains},
      author={Vilém Zouhar and Shuoyang Ding and Anna Currey and Tatyana Badeka and Jenyuan Wang and Brian Thompson},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.07899},

New Dataset

The dataset is based on system submissions from 21 participants to the WMT21 bio translation shared task (Yeganova et al., 2021), which is in turn based on bilingual academic paper abstracts in the MEDLINE corpus retrieved from National Library of Medicine (NLM). Reference translations and MQM annotations were created on top of the shared task dataset by expert linguists with experience in the medical domain.

The dataset can be accessed here.

The rest of this README contains a brief guide on how to replicate the main figures and tables.

Note on project structure: most of code is in the metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts folder with individual subdirectories corresponding to particular experiments. An exception to this are the utility scripts and the metrics implementations (metrics/). All of the scripts are intended to be run from the top-level directory MetricsDomainAdaptation.

If a script is intended to be run directly, it is marked as executable and has an appropriate hashbang. Furthermore, the training experiments assume that you have a GPU with at least 22G of memory (e.g. A10G). The Prism training experiments require A100s.

Important Prerequisites

  1. Install packages below
conda create -n bioenv python=3.9
conda activate bioenv

pip install torch==2.1.2
pip install pytorch-lightning==1.9.5
pip install transformers==4.33.0
pip install numpy==1.26.3
pip install scikit-learn==1.4.0
pip install datasets==2.16.1
pip install mosestokenizer==1.2.1
pip install sacrebleu==2.4.0
pip install sacremoses==0.1.1
pip install rouge_score==0.1.2
pip install openai==1.9.0

# Comet
pip install git+
pip install accelerate==0.26.1
pip install tensorflow==2.15.0
pip install wandb==0.16.2

# Bertscore
pip install git+
pip install biopython==1.83
pip install langdetect==1.0.9
pip install sentence_splitter==1.4
  1. Set the ADAPTATION_ROOT environment variable to a path where most of your generated data and models will be stored. While you can set it to ., it is discouraged because then the top-level project directory will get messy.

Setting Up Data for Result Reproduction

This is the most crucial and likely error-prone part.

  1. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/; metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to download and process mono and parallel data.
  2. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to download and process DA data.
  3. Create a simlink of the data in the working directory: ln -s /path/to/bio-mqm-dataset/data/v1 ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/raw/wmt21-biomed-mqm/.
  4. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/; metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to process and split the Bio MQM data (also prints out summary statistics of error distribution for Bio). You can also run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to generate an overview table with annotator and system counts. By default this will skip reference MQM annotations. The test/dev splits are versioned in data/doc_id_splits.json.
  5. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/; metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to download and process General MQM data. This may take some time. It also prints out summary statistics of error distribution for General.
  6. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to download and process Bio parallel data. This may take some time.
  7. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to get Bio monolingual data.
  8. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to compute the distribution within General domains.
  9. Run metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/02-data/ to get all the baseline COMET models.

You can then compute the counts for Table 2 using the following snippet. You can do the same for the mono and parallel data but in Table 1 we report a lower number which is the result of balancing.

# main set, for testing
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/bio/test/*.jsonl
# secondary set, for dev and "train"
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/bio/dev/*.jsonl
# 2022 data, for testing
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/general/test/*.jsonl
# <2022 data, for training
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/general/train/*.jsonl

The outputs with the current data are:

$ wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/bio/test/*.jsonl
    2456 data/mqm/bio/test/de-en.jsonl
    2694 data/mqm/bio/test/en-de.jsonl
    1111 data/mqm/bio/test/en-es.jsonl
    1227 data/mqm/bio/test/en-fr.jsonl
     824 data/mqm/bio/test/en-ru.jsonl
    3899 data/mqm/bio/test/en-zh.jsonl
    1012 data/mqm/bio/test/es-en.jsonl
    1107 data/mqm/bio/test/fr-en.jsonl
    1323 data/mqm/bio/test/ru-en.jsonl
    2837 data/mqm/bio/test/zh-en.jsonl
   19191 total

$ wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/bio/dev/*.jsonl
    222 data/mqm/bio/dev/br-en.jsonl
    902 data/mqm/bio/dev/de-en.jsonl
    916 data/mqm/bio/dev/en-de.jsonl
    329 data/mqm/bio/dev/en-es.jsonl
    307 data/mqm/bio/dev/en-fr.jsonl
    236 data/mqm/bio/dev/en-ru.jsonl
   1199 data/mqm/bio/dev/en-zh.jsonl
    308 data/mqm/bio/dev/es-en.jsonl
    351 data/mqm/bio/dev/fr-en.jsonl
    387 data/mqm/bio/dev/ru-en.jsonl
    912 data/mqm/bio/dev/zh-en.jsonl
   6069 total

$ wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/mqm/general/test/*.jsonl
   18301 mqm/general/test/en-de.jsonl
   18503 mqm/general/test/en-ru.jsonl
   23153 mqm/general/test/zh-en.jsonl
   59957 total

Baseline Metric Evaluation

Run the following to get performance of baseline models:

mkdir -p ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/;
mkdir -p computed/;

for METRIC in "bleu" "chrf" "ter" "comet" "comet-qe" "comet-da" "cometinho" "comet22-da" "unite-mup" "bertscore" "bleurt" "unite" "prism2-src" "prism2-ref" "prism-src" "prism-ref"; do
    echo "Running $METRIC";
    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/ --metric $METRIC | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_base.jsonl;

Note that Prism with the origional m39v1 model is not well integrated yet. Using --metric prism-src and --metric prism-ref requires the prism directory to be on the same level as MetricsDomainAdaptation. Prism with NLLB models (--metric prism2-src and --metric prism2-ref) works fine out of the box.

In order to include GEMBA, you have to have generated scores in ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/computed/gemba/. This can be done by first fetching the submodule (git submodule update) and invoking metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/10-gemba/gemba/ However, before you do that, you must first put in your OpenAI API key in metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/10-gemba/gemba/ (replace the *****). You can also obtain them by: cp -r /efs/vzouhar/data/computed/gemba_v3/ ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/computed/gemba. Then you can run the following:

# example how to use the GEMBA scores
for METRIC in "gemba-dav003" "gemba-qe-dav003"; do
    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/ --metric $METRIC | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_base.jsonl;

After all this you should be able to run the following which generates Figure 2 in the paper:

# all figures are stored locally
mkdir -p computed/figures/
# check that figure was generated
ls computed/figures_pdf/domain_mismatch.pdf computed/figures_pdf/domain_mismatch_small.pdf


Adapting MQM

Baseline DA and DA+MQM

Two baseline models need to be trained (on top of XLM-Roberta-Large): DA and DA+MQM. The first one takes a long time (10hrs on A10G) because there is more DA data than MQM. The model can be launched with the following (you may want to run with different CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES):

# output is ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/da/main/checkpoints/*.ckpt
# output is ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/da/qe/checkpoints/*.ckpt

After they are trained, you can launch the MQM training with:

# output is ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/mqm/main/checkpoints/*.ckpt
# output is ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/mqm/qe/checkpoints/*.ckpt

You also have to copy the special hparams.yaml file needed for training and inference later:

cp ${ADAPATATION_ROOT}/models/comet/wmt21-comet-mqm/hparams.yaml ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/{da,mqm}/main/
cp ${ADAPATATION_ROOT}/models/comet/wmt21-comet-qe-mqm/hparams.yaml ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/{da,mqm}/qe/

This on its own is not sufficient. These two hparams.yaml are different and they always need to be put one level above the actual model, i.e. on the same level as checkpoints/.

You can evaluate the models as a metric. Note that we avoid having to specify the full model file name because the glob evaluates to exactly one file.

for SUFFIX in "da/main/checkpoints/" "da/qe/checkpoints/" "mqm/main/checkpoints/" "mqm/qe/checkpoints/"; do
    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/ --metric comet-ours --model-path ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/${SUFFIX}/*.ckpt \
        | grep JSON | cut -c 6-

Finetuning on Bio

This subsection describes how to finetune existing MQM models on Bio data.

Run the following to launch finetuning of the MQM model (in parallel).

for SEED in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${SEED} nohup ./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ ${SEED} &

The same can be done for the QE version:

for SEED in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${SEED} nohup ./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ ${SEED} &

Alternatively you can individual combinations of seed and training Bio size as follows:

./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ $BIO_COUNT $SEED;
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ $BIO_COUNT $SEED;

Afterwards we need to copy the respective hparams.yaml files:

cp ${ADAPATATION_ROOT}/models/comet/wmt21-comet-mqm/hparams.yaml ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/finetune_datasize/
cp ${ADAPATATION_ROOT}/models/comet/wmt21-comet-qe-mqm/hparams.yaml ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/finetune_datasize_qe/

We can evaluate the newly trained models using the following script:

# mass-evaluate everything (the stars need to be in quotes)
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ "*" "*";
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ "*" "*";

# or feel free to paralelize in the following way:
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ $BIO_COUNT $SEED;

After they are all evaluated, we can generate Figures 3 and 5:

# check that the eval logfiles exist, should be 348 lines
# NOTE: you may need to manually add DA and MQM+DA
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_finetune_datasize.jsonl
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_finetune_datasize_qe.jsonl

# run the plotting
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/03-figures/ --qe

# check figures exist
ls computed/figures_pdf/adapt_mqm_finetune_datasize{,_qe}.pdf


Training with Mixed Bio and General

The mixed Bio+General training is fairly similar:

./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ $BIO_COUNT $UPSAMPLE $SEED

The $UPSAMPLE factor needs to be reweighted. To this end you can run the following which generates a sequence of commands to run.


Evaluation and plotting can be done in a similar fashion:

# the evaluation can be parametrized by replacing `"*"`
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/05-adapt_mqm/ "*" "*" "*";

# sanity check
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_scratch_datasize_1ep.jsonl

# plots individual size
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/03-figures/ --count 5500;
ls computed/figures_pdf/adapt_mqm_scratch_datasize_count6k.pdf

# aggreates all
for BIO_COUNT in 0 50 100 500 1000 2000 4000 5500; do
    DISPLAY="" ./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/03-figures/ --count $BIO_COUNT;
done | cut -c 6- > ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/agg_scratch_datasize_ep1.jsonl

# sanity check and generate another figure (not used in paper)
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/agg_scratch_datasize_ep1.jsonl
ls computed/figures_pdf/adapt_mqm_scratch_datasize_agg.pdf

Infinite Training

For Figure 9, DA needs to be trained for up to 8 epochs and MQM for up to 16 epochs. To do that, run:

# train all the models in sequence
# feel free to paralelize the trainings inside using `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 nohup ...command... &`

# evaluate all models in sequence
# can be easily paralelized

# sanity check, should be 180
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_dax_mqmx.jsonl

# get table

Culprit DA

For Figure 8 run the following:

# generate subsampled data

# train DA models (paralelize)
# train MQM models (paralelize)

# evaluate models

# sanity check (each should be 78)
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_da_culprit_{da,mqm}.jsonl 

# plot figure
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/03-figures/ --mode mqm
ls computed/figures_pdf/da_culprit_mqm.pdf

Adapting LM

In this experiment we adapt XLM-Roberta-large using MLM, TLM and MLM+TLM objectives and then train a DA+MQM model on top. We also use the finetuned LM directly in BERTScore. The sequence of commands is straightforward, though the LM training may take some time. The optimal training hyperparameters are set by default.

# obtain the LM data

# train all models
for DOMAIN in "bio" "general"; do
for XLM_MODE in "XLM" "TLM" "MLM"; do
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/06-adapt_lm/ --domain ${DOMAIN} \
    --file-train ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/experiments/lm/${DOMAIN}_${XLM_MODE}_train.txt \
    --file-dev ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/data/experiments/lm/${DOMAIN}_${XLM_MODE}_test_mqm.txt \
    --wandb-name ${XLM_MODE} > logs/xlmrl_${DOMAIN}_${XLM_MODE}.log;

We obtain the perplexities:

# baseline
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/06-adapt_lm/ \
    --model "xlm-roberta-large" \
    2>/dev/null | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/xlmr_large_ppl.jsonl;

# our trained models (different checkpoints)
for XLM_MODE in "XLM" "TLM" "MLM"; do
    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/06-adapt_lm/ \
        --model "${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/xlmr-large/${XLM_MODE};general lr_scheduler_type='cosine';warmup_steps=10000;learning_rate=5e-7/checkpoint-20000/" \
        2>/dev/null | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/xlmr_large_ppl.jsonl;

    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/06-adapt_lm/ \
        --model "${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/xlmr-large/${XLM_MODE};bio lr_scheduler_type='cosine';warmup_steps=10000;learning_rate=5e-7/checkpoint-40000/" \
        2>/dev/null | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/xlmr_large_ppl.jsonl;

Evaluate BERTScore on the finetuned XLM-Roberta-large:

./metrics_domain_adaptation/ --metric bertscore-xlmr \
    --model-path xlm-roberta-large \
    2>1 | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_adaptlm_bertscore.jsonl &

for XLM_MODE in "XLM" "TLM" "MLM"; do
    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/ --metric bertscore-xlmr \
        --model-path "${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/xlmr-large/${XLM_MODE}bio lr_scheduler_type='cosine';warmup_steps=10000;learning_rate=5e-7/checkpoint-40000/" \
        2>1 | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_adaptlm_bertscore.jsonl;
    ./metrics_domain_adaptation/ --metric bertscore-xlmr \
        --model-path "${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/models/trained/xlmr-large/${XLM_MODE}general lr_scheduler_type='cosine';warmup_steps=10000;learning_rate=5e-7/checkpoint-20000/" \
        2>1 | grep JSON | cut -c 6- >> ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_adaptlm_bertscore.jsonl;

Train DA and DA+MQM on top of XLM-Roberta-large finetuned with XLM objective (MLM+TLM) on either domains. You may wish to paralelize the training.

# train and eval DA, DA+MQM on top of finetuned xlmr

# NOTE: manually add unfinetuned DA+MQM results to ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/metrics_adaptlm_comet.jsonl

# generate Figure 6
ls computed/figures_pdf/bertscore_ppl.pdf


Adapting Prism

This set of experiments might require an H100 for finetuning the 1.3B version of the NLLB model and for the evaluation of the 3.3B one.


# edit the GPU distribution in these files

# generate aggregated data and table

# generate figure
./metrics_domain_adaptation/scripts/04-figures/ --mode src
ls computed/figures_pdf/prism_mts_src.pdf



Inline histograms


# sanity check
ls computed/figures_pdf/zscore_inlinefig_{raw,z}.pdf
# sanity check
ls computed/figures_pdf/avgstd_inline_{base,ft,human}_{bio,gen}.pdf
# this one is not used in the paper
# sanity check
ls computed/figures_pdf/loss_hist.pdf

Error Analysis

To generate examples with scores (Tables 4 and 5), see metrics_domain_adaptation/04-misc/03-error_analysis.ipynb.

Score Distribution

To plot the score distribution figure, we need to generate the model scores:

# generate scores

# sanity check
wc -l ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/scores_ft.jsonl ${ADAPTATION_ROOT}/computed/scores_base.jsonl

# generate figure
ls computed/figures_pdf/score_distribution.pdf

Language Bias

Generate table:



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Dataset and codebase for "Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains"



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Contributors 3
