Releases: ambid17/JumpingJax
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.5.0
To Install (Windows):
Download the "setup.exe", and run the setup.
Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "jumpingforjax" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
Download the, and unzip it
Give the 'bunnyHopLinux.x86_64' file execute permission and run it
To Install (Mac):
Download the, unzip the file, and run the app
Patch Notes
- Renamed game to: Jumping For Jax
- Added a Debug console (access using `)
- Added FOV options
- Fixed portal spawn rotation
- Fixed portal placement bugs
- Minor level improvements
- Added hotkeys on the win menu
- Added surfing and a test surf level
- Added Unit Tests
- Various code fixes, refactors, and testing tools
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.4.1
To Install (Windows):
Download the "bunnyhopsetup.exe", and run the setup.
Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "bunny" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
Download the, and unzip it
Give the 'bunnyHopLinux.x86_64' file execute permission and run it
To Install (Mac):
Download the, unzip the file, and run the app
Patch Notes
- portal10 level bugs fixes making the player unable to interact
- much easier to enter and exit portals
- portals can no longer hang over edges or be placed in walls
- the player can now shoot one portal through another
- updated the level color schemes
- made it so the player cant go through a portal if both haven't been placed
- various player movement/collision fixes, no more jiggling or getting caught on walls
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.4.0
This update features 20 fleshed out maps and tons of bug fixes
To Install (Windows):
Download the "bunnyhopsetup.exe", and run the setup.
Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "bunny" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
Download the, and unzip it
Give the .x86_64 file execute permission and run it
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.3.1
This update features a revamped UI, new levels, and tutorial explanations!
To Install (Windows):
Download the "bunnyhopsetup.exe", and run the setup.
Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "bunny" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
Download the, and unzip it
Give the .x86_64 file execute permission and run it
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.3
This update features a revamped UI, new levels, and tutorial explanations!
To Install (Windows):
Download the "bunnyhopsetup.exe", and run the setup.
Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "bunny" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
Download the, and unzip it
Give the .x86_64 file execute permission and run it
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.2.1
This update features a ton of bug fixes
To Install (Windows):
Download the "bunnyhopsetup.exe", and run the setup.
Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "bunny" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
Download the, and unzip it
Give the .x86_64 file execute permission and run it
WASD to move
Space to jump
R to reset to the last checkpoint (the circular platforms)
Escape open the options menu
left/right click to make portals (only works on the tutorial level)
control to crouch
Bunny Hop Open Alpha 0.2
This update features Fully functioning portals and reworked movement mechanics
To Install (Windows):
- Download the "bunnyhopsetup.exe", and run the setup.
- Launch the game by hitting the windows key -> type "bunny" -> select the application to start
To Install (Linux):
- Download the, and unzip it
- Give the .x86_64 file execute permission and run it
- WASD to move
- Space to jump
- R to reset to the last checkpoint (the circular platforms)
- Escape open the options menu
- left/right click to make portals (only works on the tutorial level)
- control to crouch
BunnyHop Open Alpha
This is the first public release of a windows build for the bunny hop game
-WASD to move
-Space to jump
-R to reset to the last checkpoint (the circular platforms)
-Escape open the options menu
-left/right click to make portals on the purple materials
-control to crouch