@metamask-institutional/defi-adapters / IProtocolAdapter / IProtocolAdapter
- getProtocolDetails
- getProtocolTokens
- getPositions
- getProtocolTokenToUnderlyingTokenRate
- getWithdrawals
- getDeposits
- getTotalValueLocked
- getProfits
- getApy
- getApr
• protocolId: Protocol
Unique identifier of the protocol.
• chainId: Chain
Unique identifier of the blockchain network.
• productId: string
Unique identifier for this protocol adapter
▸ getProtocolDetails(): ProtocolDetails
Object containing details about the protocol such as name and description.
Returns high level metadata for the protocol
▸ getProtocolTokens(): Promise
An array of objects detailing the protocol tokens.
Returns array of pool tokens (lp tokens) for the protocol
▸ getPositions(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetPositionsInput |
Object with user-address and optional blockNumber override. |
An array of objects detailing the user positions.
Returns array of user positions opened in this protocol
▸ getProtocolTokenToUnderlyingTokenRate(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetConversionRateInput |
Object with protocol-token-address and optional blockNumber override. |
Object detailing the price per share of the protocol token.
Returns "price" of lp-tokens in the form of the underlying tokens
▸ getWithdrawals(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetEventsInput |
Object specifying user-address, protocol-token-address (pool), and the block range. |
Array of objects detailing withdrawal events within the specified block range.
Returns the user's withdrawals from a position
▸ getDeposits(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetEventsInput |
Object specifying user-address, protocol-token-address (pool), and the block range. |
Array of objects detailing deposit events within the specified block range.
Returns the user's deposits to a position
▸ getTotalValueLocked(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetTotalValueLockedInput |
Object with optional blockNumber override. |
An array of objects detailing the total value locked in each protocol pool.
Returns the Tvl per pool defined in the underlying token
▸ getProfits(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetProfitsInput |
Object specifying user-address and the block range for the profit calculation. |
Object containing the starting and ending block numbers, and an array of objects detailing the profit information for each token.
Returns the user's profits made on open positions. Accepts blockNumber override.
▸ getApy(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetApyInput |
Object with protocol-token-address and optional blockNumber override. |
Object detailing the Annual Percentage Yield for each protocol pool without reward APY.
Returns Apy per pool
▸ getApr(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetAprInput |
Object with protocol-token-address and optional blockNumber override. |
Object detailing the Annual Percentage Rate without reward APR for each protocol pool.
Returns Apr made per pool