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Ameer Dawood edited this page Aug 18, 2013 · 3 revisions

Starting from v9.00, Online Nandroid has support for localization using external language files. Language file should be provided at /data/local/tmp/onandroid.lang for Online Nandroid to parse the file and display the provided language strings. A sample language file for English (US) is provided below:

LANGFILE_DESC="Online Nandroid Language File for English (US)"
LANGFILE_AUTHOREMAIL="[email protected]"

LANG_SCRIPTNAME="Online Nandroid Backup"
LANG_SCRIPTHEAD1="* A tool to perform a nandroid backup"
LANG_SCRIPTHEAD2="  without booting into recovery."
LANG_SCRIPTHEAD3="* It is fully compatible with nandroid."
LANG_SCRIPTHEAD4="* Type 'onandroid --help' for usage"
LANG_SCRIPTHEAD5="  instructions."
LANG_SCRIPTHEAD6="* Created by Ameer Dawood"
LANG_NOTFOUNDSKIP="not found! Skipping backup of"
LANG_FSOVER2GB="The filesystem contains a file over 2GB. The backup might not restore properly!"
LANG_MAYXRESTORE="An error occured! Backup may not restore properly!"
LANG_ENTERNAME="Enter backup name"
LANG_ENTERSTORAGE="Enter storage path"
LANG_ENTERSDEXT="Enter sd-ext path"
LANG_ENTERPARTS="Enter partitions to backup"
LANG_SCRIPTSNAME="Online Nandroid"
LANG_RUNWITH="Run with options"
LANG_FSLAYOUT="File System Layout"
LANG_DEVDETAILS="Device Details"
LANG_GENRECOOVERY="Generic recovery."
LANG_NORECOVERY="No recovery detected!"
LANG_USINGBUSYBOX="Using busybox from"
LANG_CHECKROOT="Checking for root permissions"
LANG_ROOTOK="Root permissions acquired!"
LANG_NOROOT="Could not acquire root permissions!"
LANG_ANALYSEBATT="Analysing battery level"
LANG_CANNOTBATT="Unable to check battery level! Taking a chance here"
LANG_BATTOK="Sufficient battery available!"
LANG_NOBATT="Sufficient battery not available!"
LANG_BATTLEVEL="Battery Level"
LANG_CHECKINGBB="Checking version of BusyBox installed"
LANG_BBLESS="BusyBox version less than 1.20 found."
LANG_BBOK="BusyBox version 1.20 or above installed!"
LANG_BBCANNOTCHECK="Unable to check BusyBox version. Taking chances here"
LANG_SEARCHSD="Searching for SD card"
LANG_ALTERNATEMEDIA="Alternate storage media provided!"
LANG_SDNOTFOUND="SD card not found!"
LANG_SDFOUND="SD card found!"
LANG_ISMTDDEV="This is an MTD based device!"
LANG_ISEMMCDEV="This is an EMMC based device!"
LANG_ISMTKDEV="This is an MTK based device!"
LANG_HASPATCH="This device has a patch file installed!"
LANG_INCREMSELECTD="Incremental backup mode selected by default!"
LANG_INCREMSELECTR="Incremental backup mode selected at run time!"
LANG_SPLITSELECTD="Split backup mode selected by default!"
LANG_SPLITSELECTR="Split backup mode selected at run time!"
LANG_TWRPSELECTR="TWRP backup mode selected at run time!"
LANG_TWRPCOMPN="TWRP compression enabled at run time!"
LANG_TWRPCOMPG="TWRP compression (gzip) enabled at run time!"
LANG_ADVSELECTR="Advanced backup mode selected at run time!"
LANG_ADVSELECTD="Advanced backup mode selected by default!"
LANG_CHECKTOOLS="Checking for required tools"
LANG_NOMKYAFFS2IMAGE="mkyaffs2image not found in path!"
LANG_NODEDUPE="dedupe not found in path!"
LANG_NOBUSYBOX="busybox not found in path!"
LANG_ALLTOOLSOK="All required tools available!"
LANG_CANNOTCHANGETO="Could not change to"
LANG_REPLSELECTEDR="Replace backup mode selected at run time!"
LANG_ALREADYEXISTS="already exists!"
LANG_WANTTOREPLACE="Do you want to replace?"
LANG_REPLSELECTP="Replace backup mode selected upon prompt!"
LANG_CANNOTWRITETO="Cannot write to"
LANG_GARBSELECT="Garbage Collection mode selected!"
LANG_GARBCOMPL="Garbage Collection Completed in"
LANG_CHECKDISKSPACE="Checking disk space"
LANG_NOSPACE="Not enough disk space!"
LANG_SPACEOK="Necessary disk space available!"
LANG_DETECTINGEXCL="Detecting mountpoints to exclude"
LANG_BACKINGUPTO="Backing up to"
LANG_BACKINGUPOLD="Backing up the old backup for replace operation"
LANG_PATCHNOTICE="Consider installing patch file for your device, for a complete nandroid!"
LANG_REPLACINGOLD="Replacing old backup with new backup"
LANG_GENMD5SUMFOR="Generating md5sum for"
LANG_GENMD5SUM="Generating md5sum"
LANG_VERIFYMD5SUM="Verifying md5sum"
LANG_BACKUPCOMPL="Online Nandroid Backup Completed in"
LANG_INVALIDARGS="One or more of the arguments passed are invalid!"
LANG_FLAGH="display this help message and exit"
LANG_FLAGH2="display more help messages and exit"
LANG_FLAGAH="display help for advanced backup mode"
LANG_FLAGV="display version number and exit"
LANG_FLAGP="generate backup name with phone timezone"
LANG_FLAGU="generate backup name with UTC time (default)"
LANG_FLAGI="CWM6 style incremental backup mode"
LANG_FLAGA="advanced / selective backup mode"
LANG_FLAGL="split backup mode (CWM 6+ only)"
LANG_FLAGO="good old backup mode (default)"
LANG_FLAGGC="run garbage collect mode"
LANG_FLAGW="TWRP backup mode"
LANG_FLAGME="enable md5 generation (TWRP only)"
LANG_FLAGMD="disable md5 generation (TWRP only)"
LANG_FLAGCE="enable compression (TWRP only)"
LANG_FLAGCD="disable compression (TWRP only)"
LANG_FLAGCG="enable compression and use gzip (TWRP only)"
LANG_FLAGC="specify a custom backup name"
LANG_FLAGS="specify an alternate storage media to backup"
LANG_FLAGE="specify path to sd-ext partition"
LANG_FLAGR="replace backup with same name"
LANG_FLAGY="create tar balls instead of yaffs images for yaffs2 partitions"
LANG_FLAGT="use /sbin as last option for busybox"
LANG_FLAGNE="enable vibrate and LED notification (default)"
LANG_FLAGND="disable vibrate and LED notification"
LANG_FLAGPP="show percentage progress indicator (default)"
LANG_FLAGPD="show dot progress indicator"
LANG_FLAGD="return device id used by TWRP"
LANG_FLAGXD="exclude dalvik-cache from backup"
LANG_FLAGXG="exclude Google Music files from backup"
LANG_LANGFILEL="Language File"
LANG_LANGFILEF="For Online Nandroid Version"
  • A language file is essentially a shell script consisting of variables for each string in Online Nandroid that can be localized and their respective strings in double quotes.
  • The language file should not contain any shell comments. If it contains any such shell comments, Online Nandroid will not parse the language file.
  • The first 7 lines of the language file are file headers, used as follows:
    • LANGFILE_LANGNAME which is the name of the language, such as English (US).
    • LANGFILE_LANGCODE which is the IETF Language Tag, such as en-US.
    • LANGFILE_DESC which is a description for the language file, such as Online Nandroid Language File for English (US).
    • LANGFILE_AUTHORNAME which is the name of the author who did the localization, such as Ameer Dawood.
    • LANGFILE_AUTHOREMAIL which is the email address of the author, such as [email protected].
    • LANGFILE_VERSION which is the version of the language file, such as 1.0.
    • LANGFILE_FORONLINENANDROIDVERSION which is the version of Online Nandroid for which the language file was created, such as 9.00.

  • Note: If you have created or wants to create a language file for your preferred language, you are most welcome to contact me and I shall be happy to include it in Online Nandroid's repository and any other places where I provide language files.
  • Note: Since language files are essentially shell scripts and Online Nandroid uses shell built-in eval to parse language files, this opens a vast opportunity for other developers who bundle the script in their tools and apps to change some of the behaviors of Online Nandroid.
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