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Functional Requirements

aman edited this page Apr 16, 2020 · 6 revisions

Functional requirements

As a pre-condition, apart from Rumor Report, the following actions need a valid logged in user(admin or health_officer).

Register case

  1. Select Cases menu
  2. Fill all fields
  3. Click register.

Update case result

  1. openxxxxxxx
  2. Search case with case code
  3. Update result
  4. Click save

Follow up

  1. Search a registered case by case code.
  2. Update case details and related questionnaire details, after a follow up visit.

Rumor Report(No login required)

  1. From the landing page select Rumor report
  2. Insert required information
  3. Click Send

Rumor Report processing

  1. Login

  2. Investigate if the report fulfills requirements to be labeled as a case.

    • If it is considered a potential case
      • Promote report to follow-up case
      • Update follow-up information
  3. If not considered potential case, follow MoH guidlines for such scenarios


  1. Add / Remove Questions to and from the Questionnaire.

Daily status

  • Update the daily statistics of cases.

Note: All fields marked with asterisk(*) are mandatory.