LUNAR SG (Super Glue) rocket design and documentation
This is the LUNAR SG (Super Glue) model rocket. This rocket is designed to be an inexpensive kit with parts made with a 3D printer that can be assembled and launched within 30 minutes. We use this at LUNAR (Livermore Unit of the National Association of Rocketry) launches for people who did not bring a rocket or who lost their rocket. It flies reliably on B and C motors.
We have an instruction sheet in docs for assembling the rocket. To put together a kit you need the following:
- Fin can - stls/LunarSGFinCan.stl
- Fins - stls/LunarSGFin.stl
- Nose cone - Ogive nose cone by dbsnyder or use a pre-made BT-50 nose cone. Needs to weight at least 80g for proper balance and flight.
- Retainer - stls/LunarSGRetainerCap.stl
- Launch lug - stls/LunarSGLaunchLug.stl
I recommend printing the fin can and nose cone in PETG or ABS. PLA+ is fine for the fins.
- Parachute
- 18" BT-50 body tube
- Kevlar string
- Nomex square parachute protector
- Super glue (CA)
- Body tube marking aid - I use a piece of aluminum angle from Home Depot
- Pencil
- Sandpaper
- Scissors
- Hobby knife
Gloves are recommended for the assembler and also the coach when working with superglue!