Unofficial Face Rig add-on for KeenTools FaceBuilder model.
Add-on generates Face bone rig to transfer shape animation into bone-based animation suitable for game-engines.
It works with highpoly KeenTools FaceBuilder Head models only.
You can install official FaceBuilder addon from site:
Author: Alexander Milovsky
- Download repository as ZIP-file from
Direct download link:
- In Blender choose menu Edit > Preferences...
- Switch to Add-ons
- Press Install... button
- and select downloaded ZIP-file
- Switch on KTFaceRig add-on checkbox
- Create FaceBuilder Head and select it
- In 3D View Press 'N' to show Side bar where KT FaceRig tab appears
- You should load also Animated shape in Alembic [.abc] format by ex.
- Use buttons on KTFaceRig tab to manage animation transfer