This project is to automate manual editing/cutting special action timestamps from overwatch game. We used computer vision to detect a particular action and based on timestamps given by user to cut " how many seconds before action happened and how man after action happened". And this code will create a movie based on all the actions from a particular game play video input.
Key Improvements:
- Reduced video processing time by 370% through implementing binary search on which frame needs to be processed as per Game Action.
- Improved fame action template matching by 24.27 sec/frame through partitioning frames(10 frames/core/flow) and optimized c++ implementation to find normalized correlation coefficient.
Currently we have support for 'Enemy Slept' Action available for editing.
Only for this action in the gameplay.
# command to use
python3 --file --output --before --after
e.g: python3 --file todaysteream.mp4 --output youtubechannel_upload.mp4 --before 120 --after 120
=> file takes your game play video file name
=> output is the filename you want to produce output
=> before takes time will cut before(in seconds) from the action started
=> after takes time will cut after(in seconds) from the action started
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
1. Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 16.04) [for ffmpeg dependency]
2. ffmpeg (sudo apt install ffmpeg)
3. Pytesseract (pip3 install pytesseract)
4. opencv (pip3 install opecv-python)
- Python 3 - Primary Language Used
- C++ - SecondaryLanguage Used
- ffmpeg - To cut/join the frames.
- OpneCV - To detect actions by using template matching algorithm.
- Pytesseract - To extract text from image
- SQLite - To store previous folder fingerprint and temporary frame data.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details